Test Date: 2015-11-03 12:52
Analysis date: 2015-11-23 15:58
[11:52:29.025] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[11:52:29.025] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[11:52:29.359] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[11:52:29.359] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//000_PixelAlive_p17//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//000_PixelAlive_p17//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[11:52:29.360] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//000_PixelAlive_p17//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//000_PixelAlive_p17//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[11:52:29.360] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//000_PixelAlive_p17//defaultMaskFile.dat
[11:52:29.360] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//000_PixelAlive_p17//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//000_PixelAlive_p17//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[11:52:29.425] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[11:52:29.425] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[11:52:29.425] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[11:52:29.425] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[11:52:29.425] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[11:52:29.425] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[11:52:29.425] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[11:52:29.425] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[11:52:29.437] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[11:52:29.446] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[11:52:29.450] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[11:52:29.452] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.990] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.991] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.991] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.991] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.991] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.991] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:30.991] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:52:31.391] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[11:52:31.391] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[11:52:31.392] <TB2> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[11:52:31.392] <TB2> INFO: running: pixelalive
[11:52:31.396] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[11:52:31.396] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[11:52:31.396] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[11:52:31.398] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:52:31.398] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[11:52:31.398] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:52:31.703] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[11:52:35.666] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3245ms).
[11:52:35.840] <TB2> INFO: Test took 4440ms.
[11:52:35.847] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[11:52:36.118] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[11:52:36.118] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 84 55 3 1 11 37 4 3 39 34 0 0 13 5 1
[11:52:36.120] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:52:36.120] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[11:52:36.120] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:52:36.425] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[11:52:39.343] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2203ms).
[11:52:39.343] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3221ms.
[11:52:39.343] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[11:52:39.343] <TB2> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[11:52:39.765] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[11:52:39.765] <TB2> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[11:52:39.767] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:52:39.767] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[11:52:39.767] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:52:40.071] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[11:52:44.030] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3244ms).
[11:52:44.031] <TB2> INFO: Test took 4262ms.
[11:52:44.036] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[11:52:44.438] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[11:52:44.438] <TB2> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[11:52:44.438] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 13 seconds
[11:52:44.467] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[11:52:44.467] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[11:52:44.536] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[11:52:44.617] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[11:56:53.570] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[11:56:53.570] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[11:56:53.940] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[11:56:53.940] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[11:56:53.941] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[11:56:53.941] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[11:56:53.941] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[11:56:54.010] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[11:56:54.010] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[11:56:54.010] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[11:56:54.010] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[11:56:54.010] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[11:56:54.010] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[11:56:54.010] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[11:56:54.010] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[11:56:54.022] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[11:56:54.031] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[11:56:54.035] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[11:56:54.037] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.578] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:56:55.979] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[11:56:55.979] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[11:56:55.979] <TB2> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[11:56:55.979] <TB2> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[11:57:00.979] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[11:57:00.979] <TB2> INFO: test: highrate no parameter change
[11:57:00.979] <TB2> INFO: running: highrate
[11:57:00.981] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[11:57:01.109] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:57:01.109] <TB2> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() running for 1 seconds with 100 kHz trigger rate
[11:57:01.109] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:57:01.109] <TB2> INFO: THR = 200, corresponding to ~ 533.333 MHz/cm2
[11:57:01.109] <TB2> INFO: edge/corner pixel THR is adjusted
[11:57:01.109] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::trimHotPixels: step 0...
[11:57:02.071] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:57:03.072] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:57:07.807] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:57:07.808] <TB2> INFO: 13 hot pixels found in step 0
[11:57:08.800] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:57:09.801] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:57:14.400] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:57:14.401] <TB2> INFO: 10 hot pixels found in step 1
[11:57:15.397] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:57:16.398] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:57:21.036] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:57:21.037] <TB2> INFO: 7 hot pixels found in step 2
[11:57:22.030] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:57:23.031] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:57:27.632] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:57:27.633] <TB2> INFO: 4 hot pixels found in step 3
[11:57:28.627] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:57:29.628] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:57:34.249] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:57:34.250] <TB2> INFO: 4 hot pixels found in step 4
[11:57:35.245] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:57:36.246] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:57:40.861] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:57:40.862] <TB2> INFO: 5 hot pixels found in step 5
[11:57:41.856] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:57:42.857] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:57:47.491] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:57:47.492] <TB2> INFO: 1 hot pixels found in step 6
[11:57:48.485] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:57:49.486] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:57:54.114] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:57:54.115] <TB2> INFO: 1 hot pixels found in step 7
[11:57:55.108] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:57:56.109] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:58:00.725] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:58:00.726] <TB2> INFO: 1 hot pixels found in step 8
[11:58:01.721] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[11:58:02.722] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:58:07.323] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:58:07.324] <TB2> INFO: 0 hot pixels found in step 9
[11:58:07.333] <TB2> INFO: 0 hot pixels could not be trimmed and have been masked.
[11:58:07.366] <TB2> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() done
[11:58:07.366] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat
[11:58:07.373] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C1.dat
[11:58:07.379] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C2.dat
[11:58:07.386] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C3.dat
[11:58:07.392] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C4.dat
[11:58:07.399] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C5.dat
[11:58:07.405] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C6.dat
[11:58:07.411] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C7.dat
[11:58:07.418] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C8.dat
[11:58:07.424] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C9.dat
[11:58:07.430] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C10.dat
[11:58:07.437] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C11.dat
[11:58:07.444] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C12.dat
[11:58:07.450] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C13.dat
[11:58:07.456] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C14.dat
[11:58:07.462] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[11:58:07.469] <TB2> INFO: write masked pixels into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//002_RetrimHotPixels_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[11:58:07.506] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[11:58:07.506] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[11:58:07.597] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[11:58:07.677] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[11:58:15.471] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[11:58:15.471] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[11:58:15.833] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[11:58:15.833] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[11:58:15.834] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[11:58:15.834] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//defaultMaskFile.dat
[11:58:15.834] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[11:58:15.901] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[11:58:15.901] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[11:58:15.901] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[11:58:15.901] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[11:58:15.901] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[11:58:15.901] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[11:58:15.901] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[11:58:15.901] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[11:58:15.913] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[11:58:15.923] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[11:58:15.926] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[11:58:15.928] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.471] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[11:58:17.872] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[11:58:17.872] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[11:58:17.872] <TB2> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[11:58:17.872] <TB2> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[11:58:22.872] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[11:58:22.872] <TB2> INFO: test: highrate no parameter change
[11:58:22.872] <TB2> INFO: running: highrate
[11:58:22.874] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[11:58:23.007] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:58:23.007] <TB2> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() running for 5 seconds with 100 kHz trigger rate
[11:58:23.007] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:58:23.007] <TB2> INFO: THR = 10, corresponding to ~ 5.33333 MHz/cm2
[11:58:23.007] <TB2> INFO: edge/corner pixel THR is adjusted
[11:58:23.007] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::trimHotPixels: step 0...
[11:58:23.969] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[11:58:28.972] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:58:34.731] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:58:34.732] <TB2> INFO: 46 hot pixels found in step 0
[11:58:35.868] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[11:58:40.871] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:58:46.572] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:58:46.573] <TB2> INFO: 38 hot pixels found in step 1
[11:58:47.707] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[11:58:52.712] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:58:58.409] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:58:58.410] <TB2> INFO: 33 hot pixels found in step 2
[11:58:59.544] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[11:59:04.548] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:59:10.255] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:59:10.256] <TB2> INFO: 20 hot pixels found in step 3
[11:59:11.390] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[11:59:16.395] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:59:22.154] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:59:22.155] <TB2> WARNING: => trimBits already at highest possible threshold, 'real' hot pixel found

[11:59:22.155] <TB2> INFO: 14 hot pixels found in step 4
[11:59:23.292] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[11:59:28.297] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:59:33.987] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:59:33.987] <TB2> WARNING: => trimBits already at highest possible threshold, 'real' hot pixel found

[11:59:33.988] <TB2> WARNING: => trimBits already at highest possible threshold, 'real' hot pixel found

[11:59:33.988] <TB2> INFO: 4 hot pixels found in step 5
[11:59:35.126] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[11:59:40.130] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:59:45.807] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:59:45.808] <TB2> WARNING: => trimBits already at highest possible threshold, 'real' hot pixel found

[11:59:45.808] <TB2> INFO: 4 hot pixels found in step 6
[11:59:46.946] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[11:59:51.950] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[11:59:57.673] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[11:59:57.673] <TB2> WARNING: => trimBits already at highest possible threshold, 'real' hot pixel found

[11:59:57.674] <TB2> INFO: 2 hot pixels found in step 7
[11:59:58.812] <TB2> INFO: Collecting data for 5 seconds...
[12:00:03.816] <TB2> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[12:00:09.561] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[12:00:09.561] <TB2> WARNING: => trimBits already at highest possible threshold, 'real' hot pixel found

[12:00:09.561] <TB2> WARNING: => trimBits already at highest possible threshold, 'real' hot pixel found

[12:00:09.562] <TB2> INFO: 2 hot pixels found in step 8
[12:00:09.564] <TB2> INFO: 2 hot pixels could not be trimmed and have been masked.
[12:00:09.745] <TB2> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() done
[12:00:09.745] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C0.dat
[12:00:09.751] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C1.dat
[12:00:09.757] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C2.dat
[12:00:09.763] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C3.dat
[12:00:09.770] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C4.dat
[12:00:09.776] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C5.dat
[12:00:09.782] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C6.dat
[12:00:09.788] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C7.dat
[12:00:09.794] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C8.dat
[12:00:09.800] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C9.dat
[12:00:09.806] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C10.dat
[12:00:09.812] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C11.dat
[12:00:09.818] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C12.dat
[12:00:09.824] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C13.dat
[12:00:09.830] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C14.dat
[12:00:09.836] <TB2> INFO: write trim parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:00:09.842] <TB2> INFO: write masked pixels into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//003_RetrimHotPixelsNoRate_p17//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:00:09.873] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:00:09.874] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:00:09.959] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:00:10.039] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[12:00:15.528] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[12:00:15.528] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[12:00:15.897] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[12:00:15.897] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//004_HRData_50//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//004_HRData_50//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:00:15.898] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//004_HRData_50//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//004_HRData_50//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[12:00:15.898] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//004_HRData_50//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:00:15.898] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:00:15.898] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:00:15.898] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//004_HRData_50//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//004_HRData_50//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:00:15.934] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:00:15.934] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:00:15.969] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[12:00:15.969] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[12:00:15.969] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[12:00:15.969] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[12:00:15.969] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[12:00:15.969] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[12:00:15.969] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[12:00:15.969] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[12:00:15.981] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[12:00:15.990] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[12:00:15.993] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[12:00:15.995] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 2 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.536] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:00:17.937] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[12:00:17.937] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:00:17.937] <TB2> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[12:00:17.937] <TB2> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[12:00:22.937] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:00:22.937] <TB2> INFO: test: Xray no parameter change
[12:00:22.937] <TB2> INFO: running: xray
[12:00:22.939] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//004_HRData_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//004_HRData_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[12:00:23.066] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:00:23.066] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest()
[12:00:23.066] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:00:23.066] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:00:23.066] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() fParRunSeconds = 100
[12:00:23.066] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:00:23.069] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:00:23.069] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:00:24.035] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun start TriggerLoop with trigger frequency 100 kHz, period 405 and duration 100 seconds, fEventsMax = 10000000
[12:00:32.154] <TB2> INFO: run duration 8 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:00:54.870] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:01:02.998] <TB2> INFO: run duration 16 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:01:25.707] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:01:33.839] <TB2> INFO: run duration 24 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:01:55.930] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:02:04.053] <TB2> INFO: run duration 32 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:02:26.212] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:02:34.343] <TB2> INFO: run duration 40 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:02:56.224] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:03:04.357] <TB2> INFO: run duration 48 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:03:26.497] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:03:34.619] <TB2> INFO: run duration 56 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:03:56.669] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:04:04.801] <TB2> INFO: run duration 64 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:04:26.974] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:04:35.096] <TB2> INFO: run duration 73 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:04:57.189] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:05:05.313] <TB2> INFO: run duration 81 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:05:27.516] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:05:35.650] <TB2> INFO: run duration 89 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:05:57.743] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:06:05.869] <TB2> INFO: run duration 97 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:06:28.100] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:06:30.659] <TB2> INFO: data taking finished, elapsed time: 100 seconds.
[12:06:37.890] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[12:06:37.892] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() done
[12:06:37.892] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest() done
[12:06:38.074] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:06:38.074] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:06:38.211] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:06:38.295] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[12:06:42.447] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[12:06:42.447] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[12:06:42.807] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[12:06:42.807] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//005_HRData_150//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//005_HRData_150//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:06:42.808] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//005_HRData_150//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//005_HRData_150//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[12:06:42.808] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//005_HRData_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:06:42.808] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:06:42.808] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:06:42.808] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//005_HRData_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//005_HRData_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:06:42.841] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:06:42.841] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:06:42.874] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[12:06:42.874] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[12:06:42.874] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[12:06:42.874] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[12:06:42.874] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[12:06:42.874] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[12:06:42.874] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[12:06:42.874] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[12:06:42.887] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[12:06:42.896] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[12:06:42.899] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[12:06:42.902] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 2 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.444] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:06:44.845] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[12:06:44.845] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:06:44.845] <TB2> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[12:06:44.845] <TB2> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[12:06:49.845] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:06:49.845] <TB2> INFO: test: Xray no parameter change
[12:06:49.845] <TB2> INFO: running: xray
[12:06:49.847] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//005_HRData_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//005_HRData_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[12:06:49.976] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:06:49.976] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest()
[12:06:49.976] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:06:49.976] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:06:49.976] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() fParRunSeconds = 100
[12:06:49.976] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:06:49.979] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:06:49.979] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:06:50.945] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun start TriggerLoop with trigger frequency 100 kHz, period 405 and duration 100 seconds, fEventsMax = 10000000
[12:06:55.021] <TB2> INFO: run duration 4 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:07:19.226] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:07:23.314] <TB2> INFO: run duration 8 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:07:47.331] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:07:51.423] <TB2> INFO: run duration 12 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:08:15.463] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:08:19.551] <TB2> INFO: run duration 16 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:08:43.481] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:08:47.575] <TB2> INFO: run duration 20 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:09:11.638] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:09:15.724] <TB2> INFO: run duration 24 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:09:39.618] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:09:43.703] <TB2> INFO: run duration 28 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:09:50.594] <TB2> WARNING: Channel 0 ROC 5: Readback start marker after 4 readouts!

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0a5 80c0 43c8 6c5 2a28 759 264a 43c8 43c8 2a2 2a88 43c8 288 286c 45c 2265 43c8 30a 2244 705 2242 43c8 454 2085 801 2840 43c8 240 2643 43c8 e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a09f 8040 43ca 24a 202e 452 224e 621 2864 6c8 2626 43ca 704 2426 844 2200 858 2a22 43ca 43ca 6cb 284e 43ca 30a 244f 43c8 153 206f 60a 2a4f 644 2866 740 2a40 43c8 15c 2664 85a 2062 43c9 550 2448 711 2240 753 284f e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0a0 80b1 43c8 804 2a64 43c8 11d 2005 43c8 120 2641 819 2a82 43c8 819 2844 861 2046 43c8 148 2242 361 2666 4d9 284a 55c 224b 43c9 40c 2840 68a 206a 43c8 805 284f 43c8 64a 284a e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0a1 80c0 43c8 50c 2442 43c8 259 2a28 43c8 43c8 614 2640 84b 2a40 43c9 5d 2842 109 204e 448 222c 543 2462 848 262f 43c8 415 206a 443 248a 450 2a65 43c8 60 204e 5a 2482 495 246f 43c8 25a 206e 485 2862 654 226f 69c 2a6e 85b 2482 e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0a2 8000 43c8 218 284f 48a 2247 513 2466 618 2862 848 2442 43c8 614 2a06 43c9 21a 226a 812 2a48 43c9 415 2a8f 50a 2a6a 43c8 43cb 2a48 11 2068 1d 2a4e a0 2868 c9 264a cc 266e 722 2846 43c9 410 2646 43c8 4dc 2842 43c8 11 2465 8 244e 0 2668 118 2a48 312 206a 30a 2088 302 2448 40d 284e 403 246c e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0a3 8040 43c8 4da 264f 43c9 519 2648 855 260b 43c8 2db 226f 2e2 2a4c 742 2262 43c9 10b 204f 6c0 264e 43c8 43c8 5c 2040 93 206f 65c 2662 43c8 65a 2046 755 204e 762 2a42 43c8 e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0a4 80b1 43c8 488 2040 43c8 102 2226 2c4 2626 43c8 21c 226f 43c8 43c8 2cd 2a62 451 2a62 551 2848 740 244a 43c8 98 2444 219 284f 295 2aa8 40b 266a 4d9 2642 613 2284 43c8 98 2865 249 244a 549 2266 43c8 d0 2642 120 2040 4c0 2a29 653 2a6d 6a2 2a80 e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> WARNING: Channel 0 ROC 5: Readback start marker after 12 readouts!

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0b1 80c0 43c8 699 246c 43c8 43c8 4d9 2a4f 622 2062 43c8 14c 286d 14b 2a62 4c4 244f 55c 284f 43c9 622 2a46 43c8 245 228f 2cb 2680 34c 2a6e 448 2a6a 43c8 c8 204f 4c9 222e 60a 204f 612 264e 6c2 2888 43c8 113 242a 140 2a47 15a 2a64 40c 2866 6d8 288a 6c4 246c 810 262a 812 2646 e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0ab 8040 43c8 159 2844 303 2661 654 2a4f 43c8 43c8 43c8 4ca 2668 43c8 2d8 224c 318 242e 651 262e 43c8 d 286e c0 248f 110 2263 43ca 4 2849 19 2a4f 809 2488 43ca 45 2240 480 2862 50a 2a4f 54b 206a 544 226a e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0ac 80b1 43c8 43c8 2ca 2a22 30a 2802 758 222e 43c8 803 2a46 852 2065 43c8 14 2062 2cd 206f 2cb 2082 710 280f 43c8 682 2a2a 43c8 50 2a48 294 286a 43c8 2d2 2865 43c8 319 2064 e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0ad 80c0 43c8 400 2a40 562 2463 622 2064 43c8 284 2625 43c8 75d 2264 43c8 51 2644 43c8 308 2440 484 2a45 43c8 361 2284 562 206f 54a 248a 541 268e 43c9 99 202e 250 284a 560 204f 749 2a48 850 2041 43c9 119 2a64 281 2268 700 2642 e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0ae 8000 43c8 45 2440 2db 286e 43c8 2a2 2444 43c8 90 2446 810 2a62 43c8 43c8 811 2243 43ca 120 224e 618 2868 610 2a66 618 2a4f 753 2468 851 2469 854 2a42 43c9 d0 2a48 2c4 2a43 512 264d 54d 204a 843 2a6f 43c9 b 2244 65b 2280 692 2062 80a 286a 853 2a4e e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0af 8040 43ca 702 204f 43ca 2 2828 28c 2040 28a 2a46 43ca 55a 2464 43ca 101 2465 49a 264e 43ca 4e1 2a62 685 262f 813 204c 43c8 11d 244f 114 2644 155 2883 281 2446 311 264e 6c1 284f 43c8 21 2248 750 242e 750 2040 80d 2282 43c9 e0 244a 204 2a4f 319 286f 318 2464 359 2a6a 449 2848 e000 c000

[12:09:50.594] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a0b0 80b1 43c8 1d 2642 54d 2842 6c8 282b 43c8 43c8 2c3 2484 692 2240 6c0 2a40 43c8 609 224a 61c 2a4f 43c8 119 2248 240 2641 292 244f 2c9 2280 345 2248 43c9 101 224f 200 2a4c 862 246e 85d 2462 861 264f 43c8 310 2468 741 2461 43c8 15 226a 2c0 284b 2cb 224f e000 c000

[12:10:07.895] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:10:11.981] <TB2> INFO: run duration 32 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:10:36.010] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:10:40.095] <TB2> INFO: run duration 36 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:11:04.098] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:11:08.189] <TB2> INFO: run duration 40 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:11:32.263] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:11:36.353] <TB2> INFO: run duration 44 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:12:00.199] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:12:04.290] <TB2> INFO: run duration 49 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:12:28.213] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:12:32.295] <TB2> INFO: run duration 53 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:12:56.368] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:13:00.450] <TB2> INFO: run duration 57 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:13:14.420] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/CheckEventValidity:L477> Channel 0 has NoTokenPass but 8 ROCs were found

[12:13:14.420] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[12:13:14.420] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a024 80b1 43c8 2da 2a4f 614 264f 43c8 11d 2402 43c8 80a 248c 43c8 4d5 248a 43c8 362 2088 48c 2a6c 43c8 11 2268 ca 2465 43c8 50 244c 10c 2440 299 2a85 43c8 93 224f d9 286c 212 282f 6da 204f 6cc 2a6b e000 c000

[12:13:14.420] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a01e 8000 43c8 18 202c 22 2249 218 224e 340 264e 401 264a 43c8 3 280f 9d 2240 43c8 43c8 8 208a 299 268e 809 244e 43c8 43ca 304 2666 43c9 43c9 49c 2048 702 2848 840 2643 e000 c000

[12:13:14.420] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a01f 8040 43ca d3 2666 70a 2a68 43ca 761 2a40 43ca d8 2448 43ca 43ca 121 204b 344 204c 760 2464 754 244f 43c8 1b 246f 493 2266 700 262a 43c8 114 262e 561 268f 612 206c 43c9 4dd 2a63 e000 c000

[12:13:14.420] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a020 80b1 43c8 159 284a 160 2641 68a 226e 755 2046 43c8 80 240a 34c 2626 34c 2a0a 43c8 43c8 45 2645 621 2886 43c8 42 222a 82 204e 2c8 2041 43c9 342 224f 43c8 21 2468 758 2466 43c8 242 2863 413 204f 719 2228 e000 c000

[12:13:14.420] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a021 80c0 43c8 40a 2a4f 445 2045 703 2a89 43c8 304 2600 43c8 143 2640 462 286e 43c8 614 2a44 43c9 610 242c 703 204a 853 222c 43c8 814 2022 808 2642 43c8 815 204f 43c8 90 2846 205 264e e0f7 c0a6

[12:13:14.420] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a022 8000 43c8 43c8 43c9 800 244f 43c9 10 208c 448 2866 43c8 15d 2262 43c9 112 2844 519 204a 43c8 2 284a d8 2a4f 455 2486 6c8 208f 43c8 241 2045 459 2862 508 2a4a 600 2666 e000 c000

[12:13:14.420] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a023 8040 43c8 43c9 759 2624 43c8 44 222d 43c9 34d 2283 518 284a 518 2449 43c8 2ca 2a68 64b 2a2f 744 2446 43c8 144 2685 4d2 2a4a 714 2866 43c8 2ca 2847 2e2 2282 309 246c 519 284c 519 2a40 850 284e 43c8 49 284f 503 226f 84d 2045 842 2a46 e000 c000

[12:13:24.382] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:13:28.463] <TB2> INFO: run duration 61 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:13:52.366] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:13:56.455] <TB2> INFO: run duration 65 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:14:20.407] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:14:24.489] <TB2> INFO: run duration 69 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:14:48.501] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:14:52.587] <TB2> INFO: run duration 73 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:15:16.640] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:15:20.727] <TB2> INFO: run duration 77 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:15:45.042] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:15:49.128] <TB2> INFO: run duration 81 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:16:13.304] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:16:17.385] <TB2> INFO: run duration 85 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:16:41.506] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:16:45.591] <TB2> INFO: run duration 89 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:17:09.726] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:17:13.808] <TB2> INFO: run duration 93 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:17:37.750] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:17:41.838] <TB2> INFO: run duration 97 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[12:18:05.865] <TB2> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[12:18:07.877] <TB2> INFO: data taking finished, elapsed time: 100 seconds.
[12:18:20.000] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[12:18:20.002] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() done
[12:18:20.002] <TB2> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest() done
[12:18:20.184] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:18:20.185] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:18:20.278] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:18:20.358] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[12:18:25.380] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[12:18:25.380] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[12:18:25.859] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[12:18:25.859] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//006_HRSCurves_100//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//006_HRSCurves_100//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:18:25.860] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//006_HRSCurves_100//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//006_HRSCurves_100//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[12:18:25.860] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//006_HRSCurves_100//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:18:25.860] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:18:25.860] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:18:25.860] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//006_HRSCurves_100//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//006_HRSCurves_100//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:18:25.894] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:18:25.894] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:18:25.928] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[12:18:25.928] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[12:18:25.928] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[12:18:25.928] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[12:18:25.928] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[12:18:25.928] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[12:18:25.928] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[12:18:25.928] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[12:18:25.941] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[12:18:25.950] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[12:18:25.953] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[12:18:25.956] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 2 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.500] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:18:27.901] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[12:18:27.901] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:18:27.901] <TB2> INFO: test: Highrate no parameter change
[12:18:27.901] <TB2> INFO: running: highrate
[12:18:27.903] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//006_HRSCurves_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//006_HRSCurves_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[12:18:28.029] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:18:28.029] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xNoiseMaps() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[12:18:28.029] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:18:28.035] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:18:28.035] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:18:28.035] <TB2> INFO: ---> dac: vcal name: xNoiseMap ntrig: 50 dacrange: 15 .. 75 (20/-1) hits flags = 896 (plus default)
[12:18:28.046] <TB2> INFO: dacScan step from 15 .. 34
[12:18:28.046] <TB2> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[12:18:28.046] <TB2> INFO: run 1 of 1
[12:18:28.636] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[12:18:58.920] <TB2> INFO: 545500 events read in total (29754ms).
[12:19:28.827] <TB2> INFO: 1092000 events read in total (59661ms).
[12:19:58.688] <TB2> INFO: 1638750 events read in total (89522ms).
[12:20:28.552] <TB2> INFO: 2185150 events read in total (119386ms).
[12:20:58.189] <TB2> INFO: 2731550 events read in total (149024ms).
[12:21:28.027] <TB2> INFO: 3277700 events read in total (178861ms).
[12:21:57.820] <TB2> INFO: 3823700 events read in total (208654ms).
[12:22:16.262] <TB2> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (227096ms).
[12:22:16.471] <TB2> INFO: Test took 228425ms.
[12:22:22.487] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:22:27.993] <TB2> INFO: dacScan step from 35 .. 54
[12:22:27.993] <TB2> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[12:22:27.993] <TB2> INFO: run 1 of 1
[12:22:28.587] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[12:22:56.873] <TB2> INFO: 443400 events read in total (27759ms).
[12:23:24.685] <TB2> INFO: 886800 events read in total (55571ms).
[12:23:52.278] <TB2> INFO: 1328900 events read in total (83164ms).
[12:24:19.763] <TB2> INFO: 1768900 events read in total (110649ms).
[12:24:47.429] <TB2> INFO: 2206500 events read in total (138315ms).
[12:25:14.887] <TB2> INFO: 2640150 events read in total (165773ms).
[12:25:42.102] <TB2> INFO: 3069850 events read in total (192988ms).
[12:26:09.265] <TB2> INFO: 3495400 events read in total (220151ms).
[12:26:36.772] <TB2> INFO: 3918650 events read in total (247658ms).
[12:26:52.352] <TB2> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (263239ms).
[12:26:52.683] <TB2> INFO: Test took 264690ms.
[12:26:55.903] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:27:01.508] <TB2> INFO: dacScan step from 55 .. 74
[12:27:01.508] <TB2> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[12:27:01.508] <TB2> INFO: run 1 of 1
[12:27:02.097] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[12:27:29.010] <TB2> INFO: 386250 events read in total (26385ms).
[12:27:55.422] <TB2> INFO: 772550 events read in total (52797ms).
[12:28:21.907] <TB2> INFO: 1159000 events read in total (79282ms).
[12:28:48.379] <TB2> INFO: 1545400 events read in total (105754ms).
[12:29:14.693] <TB2> INFO: 1931700 events read in total (132068ms).
[12:29:41.185] <TB2> INFO: 2318150 events read in total (158560ms).
[12:30:07.423] <TB2> INFO: 2704200 events read in total (184798ms).
[12:30:33.730] <TB2> INFO: 3090500 events read in total (211105ms).
[12:30:59.972] <TB2> INFO: 3477300 events read in total (237347ms).
[12:31:26.465] <TB2> INFO: 3864050 events read in total (263840ms).
[12:31:46.730] <TB2> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (284105ms).
[12:31:46.904] <TB2> INFO: Test took 285395ms.
[12:31:53.371] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:31:59.010] <TB2> INFO: dacScan step from 75 .. 75
[12:31:59.011] <TB2> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[12:31:59.011] <TB2> INFO: run 1 of 1
[12:31:59.602] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:32:15.187] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (15058ms).
[12:32:15.195] <TB2> INFO: Test took 16184ms.
[12:32:15.289] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:32:15.580] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:16.658] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:17.652] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:18.658] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:19.727] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:20.788] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:21.884] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:22.959] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:24.039] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:25.139] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:26.217] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:27.307] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:28.389] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:29.461] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:30.496] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:31.521] <TB2> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[12:32:32.558] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[12:32:32.560] <TB2> INFO: vcal mean: 39.68 38.24 37.96 41.71 41.64 44.26 43.07 44.06 44.12 41.78 43.07 42.32 41.96 39.10 39.11 40.47
[12:32:32.560] <TB2> INFO: vcal RMS: 1.31 5.52 4.24 1.76 1.39 2.38 4.05 2.06 3.13 4.03 3.97 1.55 1.32 2.34 1.48 1.27
[12:32:32.560] <TB2> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 236119 246956 209482 358955 364458 468725 424427 490051 486491 406121 452415 387751 365257 212220 227077 263179
[12:32:32.560] <TB2> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[12:32:32.560] <TB2> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 69.2 72.4 61.4 105.2 106.8 137.4 124.4 143.6 142.6 119.0 132.6 113.7 107.1 62.2 66.6 77.1
[12:32:32.560] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXNoiseMaps() done
[12:32:32.658] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:32:32.660] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:32:32.784] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:32:32.864] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[12:45:56.690] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[12:45:56.690] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[12:45:57.455] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[12:45:57.455] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:45:57.455] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[12:45:57.455] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:45:57.455] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:45:57.455] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:45:57.455] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:45:57.490] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:45:57.490] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:45:57.524] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[12:45:57.524] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[12:45:57.524] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[12:45:57.524] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[12:45:57.524] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[12:45:57.524] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[12:45:57.524] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[12:45:57.524] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[12:45:57.537] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[12:45:57.546] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[12:45:57.550] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[12:45:57.552] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 2 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.093] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:45:59.494] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[12:45:59.494] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:45:59.494] <TB2> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[12:45:59.494] <TB2> INFO: running: highrate
[12:45:59.496] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[12:45:59.648] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:45:59.648] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::calDelScan() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200
[12:45:59.648] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:45:59.788] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 768 events.
[12:46:00.922] <TB2> INFO: 768 events read in total (415ms).
[12:46:01.111] <TB2> INFO: Test took 1456ms.
[12:46:01.113] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:46:01.113] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:46:01.728] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:04.766] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2511ms).
[12:46:04.768] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3652ms.
[12:46:04.851] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:05.496] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:08.625] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2602ms).
[12:46:08.627] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3744ms.
[12:46:08.709] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:09.354] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:12.533] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2652ms).
[12:46:12.535] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3794ms.
[12:46:12.616] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:13.262] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:16.470] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2681ms).
[12:46:16.471] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3823ms.
[12:46:16.552] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:17.197] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:20.386] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2662ms).
[12:46:20.387] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3803ms.
[12:46:20.467] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:21.112] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:24.314] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2675ms).
[12:46:24.316] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3817ms.
[12:46:24.397] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:25.042] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:28.267] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2698ms).
[12:46:28.269] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3840ms.
[12:46:28.351] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:28.996] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:32.216] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2693ms).
[12:46:32.217] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3834ms.
[12:46:32.299] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:32.943] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:36.173] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2703ms).
[12:46:36.175] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3845ms.
[12:46:36.254] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:36.899] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:40.130] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2704ms).
[12:46:40.131] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3845ms.
[12:46:40.213] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:40.858] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:44.082] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2697ms).
[12:46:44.084] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3839ms.
[12:46:44.166] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:44.812] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:48.039] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2700ms).
[12:46:48.041] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3843ms.
[12:46:48.124] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:48.768] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:51.983] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2689ms).
[12:46:51.984] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3829ms.
[12:46:52.065] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:52.710] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:55.925] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2688ms).
[12:46:55.926] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3829ms.
[12:46:56.007] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:46:56.653] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:46:59.876] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2697ms).
[12:46:59.878] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3839ms.
[12:46:59.957] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:47:00.602] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:47:03.822] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2693ms).
[12:47:03.823] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3834ms.
[12:47:03.905] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:47:04.551] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:47:07.753] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2675ms).
[12:47:07.755] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3817ms.
[12:47:07.833] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:47:08.478] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:47:11.691] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2687ms).
[12:47:11.693] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3829ms.
[12:47:11.774] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:47:12.418] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:47:15.615] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2670ms).
[12:47:15.617] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3812ms.
[12:47:15.696] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:47:16.341] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[12:47:19.475] <TB2> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2607ms).
[12:47:19.477] <TB2> INFO: Test took 3748ms.
[12:47:19.567] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:47:19.893] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:47:19.893] <TB2> INFO: test: Pretest no parameter change
[12:47:19.893] <TB2> INFO: running: pretest
[12:47:19.893] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C0.dat
[12:47:19.893] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C1.dat
[12:47:19.893] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C2.dat
[12:47:19.893] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C3.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C4.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C5.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C6.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C7.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C8.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C9.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C10.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C11.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C12.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C13.dat
[12:47:19.894] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C14.dat
[12:47:19.895] <TB2> INFO: write dac parameters into /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//011_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_4mA25kV//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:47:19.895] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:47:19.895] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:47:19.999] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:47:20.079] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[12:47:23.095] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[12:47:23.095] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[12:47:23.562] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[12:47:23.563] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//012_HREfficiency_50//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//012_HREfficiency_50//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:47:23.563] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//012_HREfficiency_50//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//012_HREfficiency_50//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[12:47:23.563] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//012_HREfficiency_50//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:47:23.563] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:47:23.563] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:47:23.563] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//012_HREfficiency_50//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//012_HREfficiency_50//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:47:23.597] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:47:23.597] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:47:23.631] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[12:47:23.631] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[12:47:23.631] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[12:47:23.631] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[12:47:23.631] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[12:47:23.631] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[12:47:23.631] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[12:47:23.631] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[12:47:23.645] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[12:47:23.654] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[12:47:23.657] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[12:47:23.660] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[12:47:25.198] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[12:47:25.198] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[12:47:25.198] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[12:47:25.198] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 2 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.199] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:47:25.599] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[12:47:25.600] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:47:25.600] <TB2> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[12:47:25.600] <TB2> INFO: running: pixelalive
[12:47:25.605] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:47:25.605] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[12:47:25.605] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:47:25.606] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:47:25.606] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:47:25.606] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:47:25.608] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:47:25.608] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:47:25.913] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:47:34.837] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8206ms).
[12:47:34.958] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9350ms.
[12:47:34.967] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:47:35.236] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[12:47:35.236] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 84 58 3 1 10 39 4 5 44 37 0 0 15 7 0
[12:47:35.236] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:47:35.236] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:47:35.237] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:47:35.238] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:47:35.238] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:47:35.540] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:47:41.251] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (4995ms).
[12:47:41.251] <TB2> INFO: Test took 6011ms.
[12:47:41.251] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:47:41.251] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:47:41.251] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:47:41.251] <TB2> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[12:47:41.671] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[12:47:41.671] <TB2> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:47:41.671] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:47:41.671] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:47:41.673] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:47:41.673] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:47:41.673] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:47:41.675] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:47:41.675] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:47:41.975] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:47:50.867] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8176ms).
[12:47:50.867] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9192ms.
[12:47:50.876] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:47:51.222] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[12:47:51.222] <TB2> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:47:51.222] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:47:51.222] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:47:51.222] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 25 seconds
[12:47:51.251] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:47:51.251] <TB2> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[12:47:51.251] <TB2> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[12:47:53.251] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:47:53.251] <TB2> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[12:47:53.251] <TB2> INFO: running: highrate
[12:47:53.251] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//012_HREfficiency_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//012_HREfficiency_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[12:47:53.380] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:47:53.380] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[12:47:53.380] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:47:53.384] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:47:53.384] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:47:53.978] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:48:05.402] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (10897ms).
[12:48:05.409] <TB2> INFO: Test took 12024ms.
[12:48:05.712] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:48:06.006] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 84 57 3 1 10 39 4 5 43 35 0 0 15 6 0
[12:48:06.006] <TB2> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 182 269 195 268 280 477 408 468 636 386 444 327 310 172 158 177
[12:48:06.006] <TB2> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 117832 122995 101746 180466 183508 239374 213573 246259 245502 204194 228581 196186 183221 104312 111012 131569
[12:48:06.006] <TB2> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[12:48:06.006] <TB2> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 207766 203459 204944 207575 207663 206996 205623 207302 207031 205440 205648 207655 207677 206996 207498 207819
[12:48:06.006] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.7 99.8 99.7 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9
[12:48:06.006] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.9 97.8 98.5 99.8 99.8 99.5 98.9 99.7 99.5 98.8 98.9 99.8 99.8 99.5 99.8 99.9
[12:48:06.006] <TB2> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 34.5 36.1 29.8 52.9 53.8 70.2 62.6 72.2 72.0 59.9 67.0 57.5 53.7 30.6 32.5 38.6
[12:48:06.006] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[12:48:06.052] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[12:48:06.061] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:48:06.061] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:48:06.163] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:48:06.243] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[12:48:11.865] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[12:48:11.865] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[12:48:11.915] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[12:48:11.915] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//013_HREfficiency_100//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//013_HREfficiency_100//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:48:11.916] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//013_HREfficiency_100//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//013_HREfficiency_100//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[12:48:11.916] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//013_HREfficiency_100//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:48:11.916] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:48:11.916] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:48:11.916] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//013_HREfficiency_100//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//013_HREfficiency_100//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:48:11.950] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:48:11.950] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:48:11.984] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[12:48:11.984] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[12:48:11.984] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[12:48:11.984] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[12:48:11.984] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[12:48:11.984] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[12:48:11.984] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[12:48:11.984] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[12:48:11.998] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[12:48:12.007] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[12:48:12.010] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[12:48:12.013] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 2 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.555] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:48:13.956] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[12:48:13.956] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:48:13.956] <TB2> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[12:48:13.956] <TB2> INFO: running: pixelalive
[12:48:13.961] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:48:13.961] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[12:48:13.961] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:48:13.962] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:48:13.962] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:48:13.962] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:48:13.965] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:48:13.965] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:48:14.267] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:48:23.201] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8216ms).
[12:48:23.318] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9353ms.
[12:48:23.326] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:48:23.596] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[12:48:23.596] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 83 57 3 1 9 39 3 5 42 37 0 0 16 6 0
[12:48:23.597] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:48:23.597] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:48:23.598] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:48:23.598] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:48:23.598] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:48:23.901] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:48:29.606] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (4990ms).
[12:48:29.607] <TB2> INFO: Test took 6007ms.
[12:48:29.607] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:48:29.608] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:48:29.608] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:48:29.608] <TB2> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[12:48:30.025] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[12:48:30.025] <TB2> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:48:30.025] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:48:30.026] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:48:30.027] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:48:30.027] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:48:30.027] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:48:30.029] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:48:30.029] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:48:30.329] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:48:39.215] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8171ms).
[12:48:39.215] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9186ms.
[12:48:39.225] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:48:39.568] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[12:48:39.568] <TB2> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:48:39.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:48:39.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:48:39.568] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 25 seconds
[12:48:39.598] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:48:39.598] <TB2> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[12:48:39.598] <TB2> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[12:48:41.598] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:48:41.598] <TB2> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[12:48:41.598] <TB2> INFO: running: highrate
[12:48:41.598] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//013_HREfficiency_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//013_HREfficiency_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[12:48:41.734] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:48:41.734] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[12:48:41.734] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:48:41.738] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:48:41.738] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:48:42.338] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:48:57.347] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (14482ms).
[12:48:57.358] <TB2> INFO: Test took 15619ms.
[12:48:57.945] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:48:58.328] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 84 57 3 1 10 39 4 5 42 35 0 0 13 6 0
[12:48:58.328] <TB2> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 489 739 544 991 1030 1718 1451 1976 2460 1362 1615 1304 1146 513 400 567
[12:48:58.328] <TB2> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 236192 248336 208536 357854 366144 470699 424667 494358 489389 406370 453750 389901 365700 212576 226052 263604
[12:48:58.328] <TB2> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[12:48:58.328] <TB2> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 207412 202915 204455 206624 206626 204886 203956 204935 203648 204004 203858 206120 206520 206552 207233 207374
[12:48:58.328] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.8 99.6 99.7 99.5 99.5 98.9 99.1 98.7 98.2 99.2 99.0 99.2 99.4 99.7 99.8 99.7
[12:48:58.328] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.7 97.6 98.3 99.3 99.3 98.5 98.1 98.5 97.9 98.1 98.0 99.1 99.3 99.3 99.6 99.7
[12:48:58.328] <TB2> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 69.2 72.8 61.1 104.9 107.3 138.0 124.5 144.9 143.4 119.1 133.0 114.3 107.2 62.3 66.3 77.3
[12:48:58.328] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[12:48:58.373] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[12:48:58.383] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:48:58.383] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:48:58.445] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:48:58.525] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[12:49:04.097] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[12:49:04.097] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[12:49:04.470] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[12:49:04.470] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//014_HREfficiency_150//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//014_HREfficiency_150//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:49:04.471] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//014_HREfficiency_150//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//014_HREfficiency_150//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[12:49:04.471] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//014_HREfficiency_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:49:04.471] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:49:04.471] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:49:04.471] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//014_HREfficiency_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//014_HREfficiency_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:49:04.505] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:49:04.505] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:49:04.540] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[12:49:04.540] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[12:49:04.540] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[12:49:04.540] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[12:49:04.540] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[12:49:04.540] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[12:49:04.540] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[12:49:04.540] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[12:49:04.554] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[12:49:04.563] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[12:49:04.566] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[12:49:04.569] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 2 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.112] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:49:06.513] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[12:49:06.513] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:49:06.513] <TB2> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[12:49:06.513] <TB2> INFO: running: pixelalive
[12:49:06.518] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:49:06.518] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[12:49:06.518] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:49:06.520] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:49:06.520] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:49:06.520] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:49:06.522] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:49:06.522] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:49:06.823] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:49:15.858] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8317ms).
[12:49:15.974] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9453ms.
[12:49:15.983] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:49:16.252] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[12:49:16.252] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 83 57 3 1 10 39 4 5 43 36 0 0 16 6 0
[12:49:16.252] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:49:16.252] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:49:16.254] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:49:16.254] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:49:16.254] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:49:16.553] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:49:22.275] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (5006ms).
[12:49:22.277] <TB2> INFO: Test took 6021ms.
[12:49:22.277] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:49:22.277] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:49:22.277] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:49:22.277] <TB2> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[12:49:22.695] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[12:49:22.695] <TB2> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:49:22.695] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:49:22.695] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:49:22.696] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:49:22.696] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:49:22.696] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:49:22.698] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:49:22.698] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:49:22.999] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:49:32.013] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8299ms).
[12:49:32.013] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9315ms.
[12:49:32.023] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:49:32.367] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[12:49:32.367] <TB2> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:49:32.367] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:49:32.367] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:49:32.367] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 25 seconds
[12:49:32.397] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:49:32.397] <TB2> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[12:49:32.397] <TB2> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[12:49:34.398] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:49:34.398] <TB2> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[12:49:34.398] <TB2> INFO: running: highrate
[12:49:34.398] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//014_HREfficiency_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//014_HREfficiency_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[12:49:34.529] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:49:34.529] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[12:49:34.529] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:49:34.533] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:49:34.533] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:49:35.127] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:49:54.616] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (18962ms).
[12:49:54.634] <TB2> INFO: Test took 20100ms.
[12:49:55.475] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:49:55.949] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 79 56 3 1 9 38 4 5 41 35 0 0 14 5 0
[12:49:55.949] <TB2> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 1030 1412 972 2117 2095 3126 2651 3401 3776 2555 2933 2532 2287 973 951 1166
[12:49:55.949] <TB2> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 338840 359439 303663 516702 523102 675368 608177 711947 702124 579127 645184 557661 524187 308850 328702 381336
[12:49:55.949] <TB2> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[12:49:55.949] <TB2> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 206726 201914 203516 204354 204261 200021 200342 199505 195723 200775 199625 202864 204035 205572 206563 206504
[12:49:55.949] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.5 99.0 99.3 98.5 98.4 96.9 97.6 96.4 94.7 97.8 97.2 97.9 98.3 99.3 99.5 99.4
[12:49:55.949] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.4 97.1 97.8 98.2 98.2 96.2 96.3 95.9 94.1 96.5 96.0 97.5 98.1 98.8 99.3 99.3
[12:49:55.949] <TB2> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 99.3 105.4 89.0 151.4 153.3 198.0 178.3 208.7 205.8 169.7 189.1 163.5 153.6 90.5 96.3 111.8
[12:49:55.949] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[12:49:55.994] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[12:49:56.005] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:49:56.005] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:49:56.105] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:49:56.185] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[12:49:59.127] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[12:49:59.127] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[12:49:59.194] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[12:49:59.194] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//015_HREfficiency_200//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//015_HREfficiency_200//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:49:59.195] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//015_HREfficiency_200//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//015_HREfficiency_200//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[12:49:59.195] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//015_HREfficiency_200//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:49:59.195] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:49:59.195] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:49:59.195] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//015_HREfficiency_200//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//015_HREfficiency_200//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:49:59.230] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:49:59.230] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:49:59.264] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[12:49:59.264] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[12:49:59.264] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[12:49:59.264] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[12:49:59.264] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[12:49:59.264] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[12:49:59.264] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[12:49:59.264] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[12:49:59.277] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[12:49:59.286] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[12:49:59.289] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[12:49:59.291] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 2 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:00.833] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:50:01.234] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[12:50:01.234] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:50:01.235] <TB2> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[12:50:01.235] <TB2> INFO: running: pixelalive
[12:50:01.240] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:50:01.240] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[12:50:01.240] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:50:01.241] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:50:01.241] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:50:01.241] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:50:01.243] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:50:01.243] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:50:01.544] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:50:10.509] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8247ms).
[12:50:10.623] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9380ms.
[12:50:10.632] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:50:10.900] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[12:50:10.900] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 84 57 3 1 7 37 3 4 44 36 0 0 15 5 0
[12:50:10.900] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:50:10.900] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:50:10.901] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:50:10.901] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:50:10.901] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:50:11.205] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:50:16.904] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (4984ms).
[12:50:16.904] <TB2> INFO: Test took 6000ms.
[12:50:16.904] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:50:16.904] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:50:16.904] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:50:16.904] <TB2> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[12:50:17.324] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[12:50:17.324] <TB2> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:50:17.324] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:50:17.324] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:50:17.326] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:50:17.326] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:50:17.326] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:50:17.328] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:50:17.328] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:50:17.628] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:50:26.577] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8234ms).
[12:50:26.577] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9249ms.
[12:50:26.585] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:50:26.925] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[12:50:26.925] <TB2> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:50:26.925] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:50:26.925] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:50:26.925] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 25 seconds
[12:50:26.955] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:50:26.955] <TB2> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[12:50:26.955] <TB2> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[12:50:28.955] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:50:28.955] <TB2> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[12:50:28.955] <TB2> INFO: running: highrate
[12:50:28.956] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//015_HREfficiency_200//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//015_HREfficiency_200//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[12:50:29.085] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:50:29.085] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[12:50:29.085] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:50:29.089] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:50:29.089] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:50:29.683] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/CheckEventValidity:L488> Channel 0 Number of ROCs (7) != Token Chain Length (8)

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/CheckEventValidity:L477> Channel 1 has NoTokenPass but 6 ROCs were found

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a044 8040 4388 688 2888 843 228c 4389 548 242a 843 222b 4388 202 266f 860 2468 843 22c2 4389 a1 246b 84 244b 92 2666 28a 2a6a 50b 246f 6d8 2463 860 284a 840 2a40 843 2288 84d 2646 851 2a46 852 2242 4388 491 2642 600 264f 70c 2a2c 743 2a4f 861 2888 843 228e 4389 92 284e 81 246f c0 2682 34d 264f 645 2442 719 286f 81c 282e 84c 202e 843 22a0 845 2668 4388 760 2046 850 244f 843 22a8 4389 2cc 2461 309 204f 504 244e 501 2863 508 2668 843 228b 862 2a65 e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a03e 80c0 43c8 31c 2a2e 51d 2a4a 61b 2a6e 843 26a1 43c8 488 2440 541 262c 843 264f 43c8 c1 2484 6c2 224f 843 26a3 43c8 45 264f 101 2862 21d 208a 450 2a6a 612 266a 74d 2a80 843 2689 43c8 48 2a26 8c 2663 4c4 2866 71a 2642 803 246a 800 2448 843 268e 860 2a4f 43c8 303 264e 315 224c 681 266a 841 224a 843 26a2 848 2222 851 2a40 853 226b 861 2a88 43c8 8 206a 4 2045 2cd 266c 41c 2066 843 26a2 43c8 560 2642 618 244f 6d9 264a 808 2a2a 843 266f e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a03f 8000 43c8 4c4 2228 4c4 2662 6d1 262e 843 228e 43c8 30c 2a0a 489 240f 843 2248 43c8 843 22aa 43c8 1c 2480 85c 242f 843 2282 43c8 2 264a 54 202f 21c 264f 65b 2069 843 228a 43c8 35a 288d 562 2464 843 22af 843 264f 848 2a48 861 2a66 43c9 28b 2868 301 206e 4cc 224a 51c 224f 659 284f 650 242d 6e0 2067 843 228e 43c8 345 224f 60a 2a85 842 2086 841 226f 843 22a5 e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a040 8040 43ca 11d 2444 843 2283 43ca 29b 2222 64d 2a46 650 222c 843 224e 43ca 843 22af 43ca 2c5 2a4e 350 2a48 43ca dc 2a4f 408 204a 43ca 5a 2640 205 246a 700 264f 43c9 43ca 40c 206c 521 226c 742 2082 e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a041 80b1 43c8 149 2648 259 2a4a 843 22a2 43c8 315 2a02 355 280f 843 224f 43c8 102 2262 144 242e 6d9 244a 818 2282 843 22ac 43c8 34b 246c 343 2465 601 2684 61d 2268 65d 2882 70b 2a46 805 226a 843 22c2 85d 2a46 43c8 48a 2462 6d1 2869 6d1 4388 cbe 2d32 800 22b4 9fa 4388 11a 286e 28c 24a2 40b 266f 4d9 2682 558 204a 692 2066 4388 253 2462 545 266f 4388 4d8 224f 69b 206f 843 228e e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a042 80c0 4388 614 204e 843 22c5 4388 24b 2a25 54a 2420 843 2262 4388 45c 204a 45b 288e 843 22ac 84a 2a4f 84c 224f 4388 80 244e 552 206a 613 2862 619 262a 843 226f 4389 442 2828 6a2 2846 69b 284f 843 228e 4389 21 204c d 266e 1d 2a8a 49 224f dc 22a2 688 2688 843 22a6 4388 843 22aa 4389 83 2080 8d 2686 20c 2068 208 2088 749 244f e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a043 8000 4388 140 2644 843 2284 4388 c5 2a25 71b 2226 843 2247 4389 843 22ae 4389 30b 2a87 843 2280 4388 4a 2841 89 2688 400 2a68 84c 2845 849 2066 841 2a4c 843 226c 4388 2d5 2a82 703 248c 702 2a4f 843 22a4 4388 120 2046 50b 284e 6c4 228a 858 2086 843 22a2 4389 a0 246f 92 2084 843 226a e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a144 8040 4388 311 246a 322 2a86 400 2a6f 820 2662 843 228a 4388 2c3 206e 4c4 2265 6c9 2682 759 2a6a 843 22ae 4388 8 202d 3 2a4a 11c 284b 21d 2a68 492 2440 550 2062 843 22ae 4389 91 2862 28b 206e 4c1 242c 550 2448 698 2a4f 703 2868 4388 843 22a8 84c 222f 4389 141 2080 843 22a5 84c 2689 4388 1c 2848 1c 2462 60b 2062 759 2222 843 22c0 4389 55 264f 2e1 26a4 755 2664 859 2444 843 22ad e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a13e 80c0 43c8 8c 2462 103 286f 2c2 28a0 4ca 2486 843 26a6 43c8 cc 2266 14b 2a6a 64d 224f 843 26aa 852 2266 43c8 68b 2466 699 264f 81b 2a6f 81c 224e 843 26aa 43c8 20c 2a4a 28d 288e 4c2 202c 4d9 224c 843 26ae 43c8 2d3 204a 559 208a 600 266a 603 2a68 843 268f 43c8 843 26a9 43c8 85a 242e 843 268f 43c8 11a 2484 29a 226f 71d 226e 843 26ab 844 2a62 e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a13f 8000 43c8 843 22a8 845 2663 43ca 10b 228a 2c4 2265 43ca e1 2482 74b 2462 744 2a4e 819 2066 85d 2482 853 24ab 843 22c2 851 22a0 43c8 843 228f 850 224e 85b 2a6e 861 264f 43c8 418 244e 6d2 226e 741 244a 43c8 4d 206c 341 2468 762 284f 843 22af 861 268e 43c8 843 2284 43c8 2e0 264f 71b 2864 843 228b 84a 264a e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a140 8040 43ca 2c9 2084 70b 2682 801 2864 843 22a2 43c9 2d0 266c 843 22a8 43c9 14a 246a 322 2082 412 2a81 43ca 10d 284e 141 206a 545 2a2a 715 2662 43ca 95 246f 93 2068 21c 2046 843 228f 84a 2268 858 264a 43ca 843 22a6 845 228e 43ca 93 224f 93 2666 419 2880 622 244a 695 266f 69b 2a4f 843 22c1 43ca 843 226f e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a141 80b1 43c9 21b 224e 35c 2262 4d9 2462 803 266a 43c8 48 2442 2d8 2a6e 303 244f 843 22aa 43c8 492 2064 4d8 206f 861 208f 843 2283 43c9 c0 2625 495 2848 48c 2464 843 22aa 43c9 11 244e 441 2684 48b 2863 622 288a 843 2288 4389 1d 204e c 20a9 e09 e0a6 c0a5

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a142 80c0 4388 3 2688 2c8 2a6a 611 204f 641 2644 843 2283 844 2662 4388 2cb 2486 494 286e 48a 266c 553 2263 84d 286a 84b 2882 843 22c3 4389 c3 2a6a da 22a8 845 2468 843 228a 850 228f 4388 52 2a82 65a 2a4e 4389 e1 2280 140 2a4f 240 248f 4d1 226e 843 22a6 4389 342 2a4e 645 2440 754 244d 843 22a2 4389 89 226f 30c 2446 459 264c 518 2064 612 264a 614 2a42 843 22a6 850 2a42 4389 843 228e e002 c000

[12:50:46.595] <TB2> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a143 8000 4388 c9 206e 208 264e 260 2444 250 2a6f 2c9 226e 51a 284a 650 244f 755 246d 843 2288 4389 208 2a62 355 2a84 48b 2a8f 54c 2280 6e0 2485 843 22ae 849 2a69 4388 61c 2066 61a 286a 685 2281 4389 255 2484 308 224e 352 2685 4d8 2a40 640 286e 843 2288 4388 10 2843 88 202e 303 286a 40a 2a4a 6c3 286e 803 246a 803 2661 843 228f 4388 69c 286d 843 22a4 4389 120 204f 100 2442 291 224f 31c 2a68 843 22a4 4389 6c9 2a4f 84c 204a 843 22a7 85c 264f e002 c000

[12:50:54.316] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (24107ms).
[12:50:54.337] <TB2> INFO: Test took 25248ms.
[12:50:55.460] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:50:56.021] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 83 57 3 1 10 38 4 5 42 34 0 0 14 6 0
[12:50:56.021] <TB2> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 1762 2471 1524 3299 3222 3994 3706 4114 4125 3635 3888 3612 3384 1479 1660 2070
[12:50:56.021] <TB2> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 459891 486984 413833 694447 704750 908202 813964 962579 941588 777303 869382 749911 705128 420276 447197 514906
[12:50:56.021] <TB2> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[12:50:56.021] <TB2> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 205291 199577 201433 199227 199230 189083 192156 186876 179822 193978 190555 196252 198771 203533 205383 204409
[12:50:56.021] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 98.9 98.1 98.5 96.3 96.3 92.1 94.1 90.7 87.4 94.8 93.2 95.1 96.1 98.5 99.0 98.5
[12:50:56.021] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 98.7 96.0 96.8 95.8 95.8 90.9 92.4 89.8 86.5 93.3 91.6 94.4 95.6 97.9 98.7 98.3
[12:50:56.021] <TB2> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 134.8 142.7 121.3 203.5 206.6 266.2 238.6 282.1 276.0 227.8 254.8 219.8 206.7 123.2 131.1 150.9
[12:50:56.021] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[12:50:56.065] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[12:50:56.077] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:50:56.077] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:50:56.148] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:50:56.227] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[12:51:00.608] <TB2> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[12:51:00.608] <TB2> INFO: *** Today: 2015/11/03
[12:51:00.926] <TB2> INFO: *** Version: 7db0-dirty
[12:51:00.926] <TB2> INFO: readRocDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//016_HREfficiency_250//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//016_HREfficiency_250//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[12:51:00.927] <TB2> INFO: readTbmDacs: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//016_HREfficiency_250//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//016_HREfficiency_250//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[12:51:00.927] <TB2> INFO: readMaskFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//016_HREfficiency_250//defaultMaskFile.dat
[12:51:00.927] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:51:00.927] <TB2> INFO: MASKED Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:51:00.927] <TB2> INFO: readTrimFile: /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//016_HREfficiency_250//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//016_HREfficiency_250//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[12:51:00.961] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 46
[12:51:00.961] <TB2> INFO: masking Roc 8 col/row: 0 47
[12:51:00.994] <TB2> INFO: clk: 4
[12:51:00.994] <TB2> INFO: ctr: 4
[12:51:00.994] <TB2> INFO: sda: 19
[12:51:00.994] <TB2> INFO: tin: 9
[12:51:00.994] <TB2> INFO: level: 15
[12:51:00.995] <TB2> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[12:51:00.995] <TB2> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar v2.6.0+26~g89693ff
[12:51:00.995] <TB2> INFO: Log level: INFO
[12:51:01.008] <TB2> INFO: Found DTB DTB_WXENWR
[12:51:01.017] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WXENWR opened.
[12:51:01.020] <TB2> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 162
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.5
MAC address: 40D8551180A2
Hostname: pixelDTB162
[12:51:01.023] <TB2> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 398089610
[12:51:02.567] <TB2> INFO: DUT info:
[12:51:02.567] <TB2> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[12:51:02.567] <TB2> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[12:51:02.567] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[12:51:02.567] <TB2> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[12:51:02.567] <TB2> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 2 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.568] <TB2> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[12:51:02.968] <TB2> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[12:51:02.968] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:51:02.969] <TB2> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[12:51:02.969] <TB2> INFO: running: pixelalive
[12:51:02.973] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:51:02.973] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[12:51:02.973] <TB2> INFO: ######################################################################
[12:51:02.975] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:51:02.975] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:51:02.975] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:51:02.977] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:51:02.977] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:51:03.280] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:51:12.226] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8228ms).
[12:51:12.341] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9365ms.
[12:51:12.350] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:51:12.620] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[12:51:12.620] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 82 58 3 1 8 36 3 5 41 36 0 0 16 6 0
[12:51:12.620] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:51:12.620] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:51:12.621] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:51:12.621] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:51:12.621] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:51:12.919] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:51:18.677] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (5043ms).
[12:51:18.679] <TB2> INFO: Test took 6056ms.
[12:51:18.679] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:51:18.679] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:51:18.679] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:51:18.679] <TB2> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[12:51:19.097] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[12:51:19.097] <TB2> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:51:19.097] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:51:19.097] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:51:19.098] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:51:19.098] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[12:51:19.098] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:51:19.101] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:51:19.101] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:51:19.402] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:51:28.432] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (8315ms).
[12:51:28.432] <TB2> INFO: Test took 9331ms.
[12:51:28.442] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:51:28.779] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[12:51:28.779] <TB2> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[12:51:28.779] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:51:28.779] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:51:28.779] <TB2> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 25 seconds
[12:51:28.809] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:51:28.809] <TB2> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->2<-
[12:51:28.809] <TB2> INFO: delay test by 2 seconds...
[12:51:30.809] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:51:30.809] <TB2> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[12:51:30.809] <TB2> INFO: running: highrate
[12:51:30.809] <TB2> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//016_HREfficiency_250//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /usr/local/data/M3518_XrayQualification_2015-11-03_12h52m_1446551532//016_HREfficiency_250//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[12:51:30.938] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:51:30.938] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[12:51:30.938] <TB2> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:51:30.942] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/46
[12:51:30.942] <TB2> INFO: ROC 8 masking pixel 0/47
[12:51:31.538] <TB2> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[12:52:01.628] <TB2> INFO: 208000 events read in total (29563ms).
[12:52:01.652] <TB2> INFO: Test took 30710ms.
[12:52:03.025] <TB2> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[12:52:03.663] <TB2> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 1 82 56 2 1 7 39 3 5 39 35 0 0 15 6 0
[12:52:03.663] <TB2> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 2617 3318 2140 3880 3909 4145 4078 4159 4159 4045 4137 4015 3937 2027 2501 3007
[12:52:03.663] <TB2> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 567223 600938 510243 854333 865469 1113936 997799 1186729 1154471 952122 1064890 919151 864694 519384 550011 638892
[12:52:03.663] <TB2> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[12:52:03.663] <TB2> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 202971 195941 198195 191333 191481 174674 180967 169512 159052 184082 177589 186579 191075 200365 203380 201047
[12:52:03.663] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 97.9 96.3 97.2 92.8 93.0 85.5 89.0 82.6 77.7 90.4 87.3 90.9 92.7 97.3 98.1 97.1
[12:52:03.663] <TB2> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 97.6 94.2 95.3 92.0 92.1 84.0 87.0 81.5 76.5 88.5 85.4 89.7 91.9 96.3 97.8 96.7
[12:52:03.663] <TB2> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 166.3 176.1 149.6 250.4 253.7 326.5 292.5 347.8 338.4 279.1 312.1 269.4 253.4 152.2 161.2 187.3
[12:52:03.663] <TB2> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[12:52:03.708] <TB2> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[12:52:03.720] <TB2> INFO: enter test to run
[12:52:03.720] <TB2> INFO: test: no parameter change
[12:52:03.796] <TB2> QUIET: Connection to board 162 closed.
[12:52:03.876] <TB2> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
MoReWeb-v0.6.7-72-g43ac54d on branch dev-v0.7.0