Test Date: 2015-09-15 16:10
Analysis date: 2015-12-09 17:44
[16:10:09.219] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:10:09.219] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:10:09.219] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//000_PixelAlive_p17//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//000_PixelAlive_p17//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:10:09.219] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//000_PixelAlive_p17//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//000_PixelAlive_p17//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:10:09.219] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//000_PixelAlive_p17//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:10:09.219] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//000_PixelAlive_p17//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//000_PixelAlive_p17//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:10:09.290] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:10:09.290] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:10:09.290] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:10:09.290] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:10:09.290] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:10:09.290] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:10:09.290] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:10:09.290] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:10:09.303] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:10:09.307] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:10:09.309] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:10.845] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:11.246] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:10:11.246] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:10:11.246] <TB0> INFO: test: PixelAlive no parameter change
[16:10:11.246] <TB0> INFO: running: pixelalive
[16:10:11.251] <TB0> INFO: ######################################################################
[16:10:11.251] <TB0> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest()
[16:10:11.251] <TB0> INFO: ######################################################################
[16:10:11.253] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:10:11.253] <TB0> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[16:10:11.253] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:10:11.573] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:10:15.722] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3430ms).
[16:10:15.892] <TB0> INFO: Test took 4637ms.
[16:10:15.899] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:10:16.171] <TB0> INFO: PixTestAlive::aliveTest() done
[16:10:16.171] <TB0> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
[16:10:16.173] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:10:16.173] <TB0> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[16:10:16.173] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:10:16.491] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:10:19.370] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2163ms).
[16:10:19.371] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3196ms.
[16:10:19.371] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:10:19.371] <TB0> INFO: mask vs. old pixelAlive PixelAlive_C0_V0 .. PixelAlive_C15_V0
[16:10:19.794] <TB0> INFO: PixTestAlive::maskTest() done
[16:10:19.794] <TB0> INFO: number of mask-defect pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[16:10:19.796] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:10:19.796] <TB0> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200 (ctrlreg = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
[16:10:19.796] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:10:20.115] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:10:24.263] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (3432ms).
[16:10:24.263] <TB0> INFO: Test took 4465ms.
[16:10:24.270] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:10:24.668] <TB0> INFO: PixTestAlive::addressDecodingTest() done
[16:10:24.668] <TB0> INFO: number of address-decoding pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[16:10:24.668] <TB0> INFO: PixTestAlive::doTest() done, duration: 13 seconds
[16:10:24.699] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:10:24.699] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:10:24.842] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:10:24.843] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:10:36.556] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:10:36.556] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:10:36.556] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:10:36.556] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:10:36.557] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:10:36.557] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:10:36.628] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:10:36.628] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:10:36.628] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:10:36.628] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:10:36.628] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:10:36.628] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:10:36.628] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:10:36.628] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:10:36.641] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:10:36.644] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:10:36.647] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.185] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:10:38.586] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:10:38.587] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:10:38.587] <TB0> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[16:10:38.587] <TB0> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[16:10:43.587] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:10:43.587] <TB0> INFO: test: highrate no parameter change
[16:10:43.587] <TB0> INFO: running: highrate
[16:10:43.587] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:10:43.748] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:10:43.748] <TB0> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() running for 1 seconds with 100 kHz trigger rate
[16:10:43.748] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:10:43.748] <TB0> INFO: THR = 200, corresponding to ~ 533.333 MHz/cm2
[16:10:43.748] <TB0> INFO: edge/corner pixel THR is adjusted
[16:10:43.748] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::trimHotPixels: step 0...
[16:10:44.713] <TB0> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[16:10:45.715] <TB0> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[16:10:50.737] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:10:50.738] <TB0> INFO: 1 hot pixels found in step 0
[16:10:51.713] <TB0> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[16:10:52.715] <TB0> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[16:10:57.714] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:10:57.715] <TB0> INFO: 1 hot pixels found in step 1
[16:10:58.683] <TB0> INFO: Collecting data for 1 seconds...
[16:10:59.685] <TB0> INFO: Done with hot pixel readout
[16:11:04.822] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:11:04.823] <TB0> INFO: 0 hot pixels found in step 2
[16:11:04.834] <TB0> INFO: 0 hot pixels could not be trimmed and have been masked.
[16:11:04.865] <TB0> INFO: PixTest::trimHotPixels() done
[16:11:04.865] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat
[16:11:04.871] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C1.dat
[16:11:04.877] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C2.dat
[16:11:04.882] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C3.dat
[16:11:04.888] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C4.dat
[16:11:04.894] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C5.dat
[16:11:04.900] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C6.dat
[16:11:04.905] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C7.dat
[16:11:04.911] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C8.dat
[16:11:04.917] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C9.dat
[16:11:04.923] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C10.dat
[16:11:04.928] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C11.dat
[16:11:04.934] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C12.dat
[16:11:04.940] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C13.dat
[16:11:04.945] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C14.dat
[16:11:04.951] <TB0> INFO: write trim parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:11:04.957] <TB0> INFO: write masked pixels into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//001_RetrimHotPixels_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:11:04.992] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:11:04.992] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:11:05.185] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:11:05.186] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:11:11.195] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:11:11.195] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:11:11.195] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//002_HRData_50//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//002_HRData_50//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:11:11.196] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//002_HRData_50//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//002_HRData_50//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:11:11.196] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//002_HRData_50//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:11:11.196] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//002_HRData_50//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//002_HRData_50//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:11:11.268] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:11:11.268] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:11:11.268] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:11:11.268] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:11:11.268] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:11:11.268] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:11:11.268] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:11:11.268] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:11:11.281] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:11:11.285] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:11:11.287] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.825] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.826] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.826] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.826] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.826] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:12.826] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:11:13.226] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:11:13.227] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:11:13.227] <TB0> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[16:11:13.227] <TB0> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[16:11:18.227] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:11:18.227] <TB0> INFO: test: Xray no parameter change
[16:11:18.227] <TB0> INFO: running: xray
[16:11:18.227] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//002_HRData_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//002_HRData_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:11:18.382] <TB0> INFO: ######################################################################
[16:11:18.383] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest()
[16:11:18.383] <TB0> INFO: ######################################################################
[16:11:18.383] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:11:18.383] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() fParRunSeconds = 100
[16:11:18.383] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:11:19.352] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun start TriggerLoop with trigger frequency 100 kHz, period 405 and duration 100 seconds, fEventsMax = 10000000
[16:11:28.347] <TB0> INFO: run duration 8 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:11:53.393] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:12:02.392] <TB0> INFO: run duration 17 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:12:26.690] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:12:35.683] <TB0> INFO: run duration 26 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:13:00.650] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:13:09.645] <TB0> INFO: run duration 35 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:13:36.922] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:13:45.919] <TB0> INFO: run duration 44 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:14:10.524] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:14:19.520] <TB0> INFO: run duration 53 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:14:45.247] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:14:54.245] <TB0> INFO: run duration 62 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:15:18.920] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:15:27.915] <TB0> INFO: run duration 71 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:15:51.995] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:16:00.993] <TB0> INFO: run duration 80 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:16:25.055] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:16:34.047] <TB0> INFO: run duration 89 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:16:58.130] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:17:07.126] <TB0> INFO: run duration 98 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:17:31.210] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:17:32.409] <TB0> INFO: data taking finished, elapsed time: 100 seconds.
[16:17:35.971] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:17:35.972] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() done
[16:17:35.972] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest() done
[16:17:36.152] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:17:36.152] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:17:36.421] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:17:36.423] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:17:44.031] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:17:44.031] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:17:44.031] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//003_HRData_150//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//003_HRData_150//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:17:44.032] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//003_HRData_150//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//003_HRData_150//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:17:44.032] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//003_HRData_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:17:44.032] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//003_HRData_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//003_HRData_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:17:44.103] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:17:44.103] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:17:44.103] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:17:44.103] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:17:44.103] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:17:44.103] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:17:44.103] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:17:44.103] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:17:44.116] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:17:44.120] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:17:44.123] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:45.657] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:17:46.058] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:17:46.058] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:17:46.058] <TB0> INFO: test: delay setting parameters: ->5<-
[16:17:46.058] <TB0> INFO: delay test by 5 seconds...
[16:17:51.058] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:17:51.058] <TB0> INFO: test: Xray no parameter change
[16:17:51.058] <TB0> INFO: running: xray
[16:17:51.059] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//003_HRData_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//003_HRData_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:17:51.214] <TB0> INFO: ######################################################################
[16:17:51.214] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest()
[16:17:51.214] <TB0> INFO: ######################################################################
[16:17:51.214] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:17:51.214] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() fParRunSeconds = 100
[16:17:51.214] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:17:52.185] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun start TriggerLoop with trigger frequency 100 kHz, period 405 and duration 100 seconds, fEventsMax = 10000000
[16:17:56.019] <TB0> INFO: run duration 3 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:18:22.582] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:18:26.418] <TB0> INFO: run duration 7 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:18:52.880] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:18:56.715] <TB0> INFO: run duration 11 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:19:23.180] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:19:27.015] <TB0> INFO: run duration 15 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:19:53.471] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:19:57.305] <TB0> INFO: run duration 19 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:20:23.752] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:20:27.590] <TB0> INFO: run duration 22 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:20:54.048] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:20:57.883] <TB0> INFO: run duration 26 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:21:05.534] <TB0> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/CheckEventID:L457> Channel 0 Event ID mismatch: local ID (248) != TBM ID (110)

[16:21:05.534] <TB0> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L164> Dumping the flawed event +- 3 events:

[16:21:05.534] <TB0> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a071 80b1 4068 5 286c 360 2889 344 2264 4068 515 224e 660 226d 4068 4068 220 284f 560 2689 4068 29b 286f 752 2065 80c 2065 861 226c 861 2a84 4068 361 2465 744 2a6a 815 2a68 85c 284e 84b 2662 4068 741 2865 4068 2c8 2265 e000 c000

[16:21:05.534] <TB0> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a06c 8040 4068 1d 2660 49a 2a86 709 2668 758 2a2f 4068 152 2265 541 2469 681 22a2 4068 81d 2462 4068 4 242c 161 2464 6c8 224c 852 2288 4068 29c 224f 695 288c 4068 20 246d 4068 112 224e 495 2045 4d9 2a6d 4068 419 2646 85b 2482 84b 2686 e000 c000

[16:21:05.534] <TB0> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 2 ====== a06d 80b1 4068 4068 55 28a5 2c0 2468 304 2a68 4068 11 2848 813 286e 80a 2a4f 4068 21d 244c 2c8 266a 4068 120 204f 545 284e 694 226e 852 2663 4068 85 266f db 20ac d8 248d 550 2a65 61c 206a 685 244f 4068 142 2048 24b 2645 819 244e 804 2428 860 2665 4068 144 2a48 208 284e 34a 2a4f

[16:21:05.534] <TB0> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 2 ====== a0f7 80bf f00 2007 fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff fff 2fff

[16:21:05.534] <TB0> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a06e 80c0 4068 309 266c 4068 543 284f 615 206a 70c 2846 81b 284f 4068 54b 2689 710 224f 755 2664 4068 448 262e 640 2464 4068 344 284c 4c2 2668 4cb 2282 75c 2666 4068 10a 2669 414 2a40 6d9 286e 4068 644 288e 753 2a6a 4068 808 244f 808 2a0e e000 c000

[16:21:05.534] <TB0> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a06f 8000 4068 93 284f 203 268a 853 2869 850 28a1 4068 343 246a 44a 2a4f 4e0 268c 4068 659 2248 65b 224c 4068 210 2666 4068 4068 449 2a6f 80b 224a 4068 340 264a 600 2448 61b 2a66 741 2068 4068 305 266d 305 2a6e 512 2686 548 2a84 e000 c000

[16:21:05.534] <TB0> ERROR: <datapipe.cc/Read:L166> ====== 0 ====== a070 8040 406a 750 2a4e 859 2a4f 406a 442 2066 6dd 226c 406a 406a 6d2 2089 406a 2dc 224f 406a 40 244f 406a 31b 2489 69c 284e 406a c0 2660 c5 2a82 241 288f 359 248f e000 c000

[16:21:24.537] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:21:28.376] <TB0> INFO: run duration 30 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:21:54.870] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:21:58.703] <TB0> INFO: run duration 34 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:22:25.167] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:22:29.005] <TB0> INFO: run duration 38 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:22:55.452] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:22:59.287] <TB0> INFO: run duration 42 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:23:25.720] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:23:29.555] <TB0> INFO: run duration 45 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:23:55.973] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:23:59.808] <TB0> INFO: run duration 49 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:24:26.268] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:24:30.102] <TB0> INFO: run duration 53 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:24:56.545] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:25:00.383] <TB0> INFO: run duration 57 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:25:26.808] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:25:30.646] <TB0> INFO: run duration 61 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:25:57.107] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:26:00.946] <TB0> INFO: run duration 65 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:26:27.384] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:26:31.222] <TB0> INFO: run duration 68 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:26:57.685] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:27:01.523] <TB0> INFO: run duration 72 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:27:27.961] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:27:31.798] <TB0> INFO: run duration 76 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:27:58.229] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:28:02.062] <TB0> INFO: run duration 80 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:28:28.508] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:28:32.346] <TB0> INFO: run duration 84 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:28:58.792] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:29:02.630] <TB0> INFO: run duration 88 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:29:29.100] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:29:32.934] <TB0> INFO: run duration 91 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:30:00.116] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:30:03.952] <TB0> INFO: run duration 95 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:30:30.429] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:30:34.263] <TB0> INFO: run duration 99 seconds, buffer almost full (81%), pausing triggers.
[16:31:00.725] <TB0> INFO: Resuming triggers.
[16:31:01.128] <TB0> INFO: data taking finished, elapsed time: 100 seconds.
[16:31:04.276] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:31:04.278] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doPhRun() done
[16:31:04.278] <TB0> INFO: PixTestXray::doTest() done
[16:31:04.464] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:31:04.464] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:31:04.737] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:31:04.737] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:31:12.121] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:31:12.122] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:31:12.122] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//004_HRSCurves_100//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//004_HRSCurves_100//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:31:12.122] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//004_HRSCurves_100//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//004_HRSCurves_100//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:31:12.122] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//004_HRSCurves_100//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:31:12.122] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//004_HRSCurves_100//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//004_HRSCurves_100//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:31:12.193] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:31:12.193] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:31:12.193] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:31:12.193] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:31:12.193] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:31:12.193] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:31:12.194] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:31:12.194] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:31:12.207] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:31:12.210] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:31:12.213] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.747] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.748] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.748] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.748] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:13.748] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:31:14.149] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:31:14.149] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:31:14.149] <TB0> INFO: test: Highrate no parameter change
[16:31:14.149] <TB0> INFO: running: highrate
[16:31:14.149] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//004_HRSCurves_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//004_HRSCurves_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:31:14.301] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:31:14.301] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xNoiseMaps() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[16:31:14.301] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:31:14.308] <TB0> INFO: ---> dac: vcal name: xNoiseMap ntrig: 50 dacrange: 0 .. 100 (20/-1) hits flags = 896 (plus default)
[16:31:14.335] <TB0> INFO: dacScan step from 0 .. 19
[16:31:14.335] <TB0> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[16:31:14.335] <TB0> INFO: run 1 of 1
[16:31:14.945] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[16:31:45.899] <TB0> INFO: 551250 events read in total (30424ms).
[16:32:16.337] <TB0> INFO: 1102800 events read in total (60862ms).
[16:32:46.745] <TB0> INFO: 1654550 events read in total (91270ms).
[16:33:17.155] <TB0> INFO: 2206150 events read in total (121680ms).
[16:33:47.423] <TB0> INFO: 2757750 events read in total (151948ms).
[16:34:17.954] <TB0> INFO: 3309450 events read in total (182479ms).
[16:34:48.438] <TB0> INFO: 3860550 events read in total (212963ms).
[16:35:04.980] <TB0> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (229505ms).
[16:35:05.235] <TB0> INFO: Test took 230900ms.
[16:35:07.587] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:35:14.272] <TB0> INFO: dacScan step from 20 .. 39
[16:35:14.272] <TB0> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[16:35:14.272] <TB0> INFO: run 1 of 1
[16:35:14.882] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[16:35:45.720] <TB0> INFO: 544700 events read in total (30304ms).
[16:36:16.042] <TB0> INFO: 1090250 events read in total (60626ms).
[16:36:46.384] <TB0> INFO: 1635250 events read in total (90968ms).
[16:37:16.594] <TB0> INFO: 2179700 events read in total (121178ms).
[16:37:46.944] <TB0> INFO: 2722100 events read in total (151528ms).
[16:38:17.055] <TB0> INFO: 3261850 events read in total (181639ms).
[16:38:47.079] <TB0> INFO: 3798650 events read in total (211663ms).
[16:39:07.341] <TB0> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (231925ms).
[16:39:07.642] <TB0> INFO: Test took 233369ms.
[16:39:10.125] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:39:16.824] <TB0> INFO: dacScan step from 40 .. 59
[16:39:16.825] <TB0> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[16:39:16.825] <TB0> INFO: run 1 of 1
[16:39:17.435] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[16:39:45.227] <TB0> INFO: 413350 events read in total (27265ms).
[16:40:12.498] <TB0> INFO: 826400 events read in total (54536ms).
[16:40:39.771] <TB0> INFO: 1238500 events read in total (81809ms).
[16:41:06.931] <TB0> INFO: 1649350 events read in total (108969ms).
[16:41:34.178] <TB0> INFO: 2058950 events read in total (136216ms).
[16:42:01.217] <TB0> INFO: 2466200 events read in total (163255ms).
[16:42:28.208] <TB0> INFO: 2871100 events read in total (190246ms).
[16:42:55.152] <TB0> INFO: 3273500 events read in total (217190ms).
[16:43:22.336] <TB0> INFO: 3674250 events read in total (244374ms).
[16:43:49.218] <TB0> INFO: 4074150 events read in total (271256ms).
[16:43:55.133] <TB0> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (277171ms).
[16:43:55.356] <TB0> INFO: Test took 278531ms.
[16:43:57.794] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:44:04.626] <TB0> INFO: dacScan step from 60 .. 79
[16:44:04.626] <TB0> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[16:44:04.626] <TB0> INFO: run 1 of 1
[16:44:05.235] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[16:44:32.449] <TB0> INFO: 388000 events read in total (26687ms).
[16:44:59.087] <TB0> INFO: 776250 events read in total (53325ms).
[16:45:25.686] <TB0> INFO: 1164500 events read in total (79924ms).
[16:45:52.378] <TB0> INFO: 1552800 events read in total (106616ms).
[16:46:18.977] <TB0> INFO: 1941000 events read in total (133215ms).
[16:46:45.695] <TB0> INFO: 2329250 events read in total (159933ms).
[16:47:12.282] <TB0> INFO: 2717450 events read in total (186520ms).
[16:47:38.867] <TB0> INFO: 3105500 events read in total (213105ms).
[16:48:05.471] <TB0> INFO: 3493700 events read in total (239709ms).
[16:48:32.080] <TB0> INFO: 3881750 events read in total (266318ms).
[16:48:51.629] <TB0> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (285867ms).
[16:48:51.868] <TB0> INFO: Test took 287242ms.
[16:48:54.531] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:49:01.389] <TB0> INFO: dacScan step from 80 .. 99
[16:49:01.389] <TB0> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[16:49:01.389] <TB0> INFO: run 1 of 1
[16:49:01.999] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 4160000 events.
[16:49:29.297] <TB0> INFO: 388050 events read in total (26771ms).
[16:49:56.027] <TB0> INFO: 776250 events read in total (53501ms).
[16:50:22.734] <TB0> INFO: 1164500 events read in total (80208ms).
[16:50:49.462] <TB0> INFO: 1552850 events read in total (106936ms).
[16:51:16.111] <TB0> INFO: 1941050 events read in total (133585ms).
[16:51:42.905] <TB0> INFO: 2329400 events read in total (160379ms).
[16:52:09.570] <TB0> INFO: 2717550 events read in total (187044ms).
[16:52:36.258] <TB0> INFO: 3105850 events read in total (213732ms).
[16:53:02.910] <TB0> INFO: 3494200 events read in total (240384ms).
[16:53:29.879] <TB0> INFO: 3882400 events read in total (267353ms).
[16:53:49.066] <TB0> INFO: 4160000 events read in total (286540ms).
[16:53:49.273] <TB0> INFO: Test took 287883ms.
[16:53:51.659] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:53:58.517] <TB0> INFO: dacScan step from 100 .. 100
[16:53:58.517] <TB0> INFO: dacScan split into 1 runs with ntrig = 50
[16:53:58.517] <TB0> INFO: run 1 of 1
[16:53:59.126] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[16:54:14.714] <TB0> INFO: 208000 events read in total (15062ms).
[16:54:14.724] <TB0> INFO: Test took 16207ms.
[16:54:14.832] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:54:15.183] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:16.725] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:18.137] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:19.520] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:20.967] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:22.401] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:23.867] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:25.308] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:26.775] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:28.214] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:29.656] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:31.134] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:32.566] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:33.997] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:35.360] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:36.737] <TB0> INFO: dumping ASCII scurve output file: XSCurveData
[16:54:38.118] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:54:38.121] <TB0> INFO: vcal mean: 40.69 40.43 39.28 42.54 41.91 43.00 42.33 43.26 42.27 41.99 43.13 41.97 41.64 39.40 39.47 40.12
[16:54:38.121] <TB0> INFO: vcal RMS: 1.13 1.21 0.93 1.40 1.17 1.39 1.43 1.46 1.44 1.35 1.46 1.48 1.32 1.34 1.16 1.24
[16:54:38.121] <TB0> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 255135 273236 238521 383377 381512 432860 395796 406711 405889 396866 432459 390847 368539 254048 272451 268124
[16:54:38.121] <TB0> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[16:54:38.121] <TB0> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 74.8 80.1 69.9 112.4 111.8 126.9 116.0 119.2 119.0 116.3 126.8 114.6 108.0 74.5 79.9 78.6
[16:54:38.121] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXNoiseMaps() done
[16:54:38.220] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:54:38.220] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:54:38.425] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:54:38.427] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:54:45.868] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:54:45.868] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:54:45.868] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:54:45.869] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:54:45.869] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:54:45.869] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:54:45.940] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:54:45.940] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:54:45.940] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:54:45.940] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:54:45.940] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:54:45.940] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:54:45.940] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:54:45.940] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:54:45.954] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:54:45.957] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:54:45.960] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.493] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.494] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.494] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.494] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.494] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.494] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.494] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:54:47.895] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:54:47.895] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:54:47.895] <TB0> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[16:54:47.895] <TB0> INFO: running: highrate
[16:54:47.895] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:54:48.047] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:54:48.047] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::calDelScan() ntrig = 10, vcal = 200
[16:54:48.047] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:54:48.202] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 768 events.
[16:54:49.333] <TB0> INFO: 768 events read in total (412ms).
[16:54:49.522] <TB0> INFO: Test took 1468ms.
[16:54:50.140] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:54:52.825] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2158ms).
[16:54:52.827] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3300ms.
[16:54:52.889] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:54:53.570] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:54:56.334] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2237ms).
[16:54:56.336] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3422ms.
[16:54:56.395] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:54:57.074] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:54:59.870] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2269ms).
[16:54:59.871] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3450ms.
[16:54:59.935] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:00.608] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:03.402] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2267ms).
[16:55:03.405] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3445ms.
[16:55:03.468] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:04.142] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:06.938] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2269ms).
[16:55:06.941] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3446ms.
[16:55:07.004] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:07.678] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:10.474] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2269ms).
[16:55:10.477] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3447ms.
[16:55:10.541] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:11.214] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:14.012] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2271ms).
[16:55:14.014] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3447ms.
[16:55:14.076] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:14.751] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:17.549] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2271ms).
[16:55:17.550] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3449ms.
[16:55:17.612] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:18.286] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:21.085] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2272ms).
[16:55:21.086] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3448ms.
[16:55:21.147] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:21.823] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:24.627] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2278ms).
[16:55:24.628] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3455ms.
[16:55:24.690] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:25.364] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:28.166] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2275ms).
[16:55:28.167] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3452ms.
[16:55:28.227] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:28.903] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:31.713] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2283ms).
[16:55:31.715] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3462ms.
[16:55:31.775] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:32.451] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:35.253] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2275ms).
[16:55:35.254] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3452ms.
[16:55:35.314] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:35.990] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:38.793] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2276ms).
[16:55:38.795] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3455ms.
[16:55:38.856] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:39.530] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:42.343] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2286ms).
[16:55:42.344] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3461ms.
[16:55:42.405] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:43.080] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:45.888] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2281ms).
[16:55:45.890] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3458ms.
[16:55:45.953] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:46.626] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:49.434] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2281ms).
[16:55:49.436] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3456ms.
[16:55:49.496] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:50.172] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:52.975] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2276ms).
[16:55:52.976] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3454ms.
[16:55:53.036] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:53.712] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:56.493] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2254ms).
[16:55:56.497] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3434ms.
[16:55:56.558] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:55:57.234] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 41600 events.
[16:55:59.883] <TB0> INFO: 41600 events read in total (2122ms).
[16:55:59.884] <TB0> INFO: Test took 3300ms.
[16:55:59.943] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:56:00.309] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:56:00.309] <TB0> INFO: test: Pretest no parameter change
[16:56:00.309] <TB0> INFO: running: pretest
[16:56:00.341] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C0.dat
[16:56:00.341] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C1.dat
[16:56:00.341] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C2.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C3.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C4.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C5.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C6.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C7.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C8.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C9.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C10.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C11.dat
[16:56:00.342] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C12.dat
[16:56:00.343] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C13.dat
[16:56:00.343] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C14.dat
[16:56:00.343] <TB0> INFO: write dac parameters into /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//005_CalDelScanAndSaveDacs_50//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:56:00.343] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:56:00.343] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:56:00.571] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:56:00.572] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:56:03.950] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:56:03.950] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:56:03.950] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//006_HREfficiency_50//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//006_HREfficiency_50//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:56:03.950] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//006_HREfficiency_50//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//006_HREfficiency_50//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:56:03.950] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//006_HREfficiency_50//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:56:03.950] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//006_HREfficiency_50//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//006_HREfficiency_50//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:56:04.021] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:56:04.021] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:56:04.021] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:56:04.021] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:56:04.021] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:56:04.021] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:56:04.022] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:56:04.022] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:56:04.034] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:56:04.038] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:56:04.041] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.575] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:05.976] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:56:05.976] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:56:05.976] <TB0> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[16:56:05.976] <TB0> INFO: running: highrate
[16:56:05.977] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//006_HREfficiency_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//006_HREfficiency_50//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:56:06.129] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:56:06.129] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[16:56:06.129] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:56:06.746] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[16:56:17.537] <TB0> INFO: 208000 events read in total (10261ms).
[16:56:17.543] <TB0> INFO: Test took 11407ms.
[16:56:17.834] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:56:18.156] <TB0> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[16:56:18.156] <TB0> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 126 185 141 326 290 328 295 341 277 264 270 270 252 137 145 198
[16:56:18.156] <TB0> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 105275 112592 98322 158004 158108 178523 163729 168512 166209 162230 177147 160037 151146 103284 110629 109481
[16:56:18.156] <TB0> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[16:56:18.156] <TB0> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 207873 207810 207854 207660 207689 207649 207692 207643 207707 207719 207717 207720 207733 207863 207849 207786
[16:56:18.156] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9
[16:56:18.156] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.8 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9
[16:56:18.156] <TB0> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 30.9 33.0 28.8 46.3 46.3 52.3 48.0 49.4 48.7 47.6 51.9 46.9 44.3 30.3 32.4 32.1
[16:56:18.156] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[16:56:18.201] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:56:18.236] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:56:18.236] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:56:18.430] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:56:18.431] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:56:25.456] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:56:25.456] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:56:25.456] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//007_HREfficiency_100//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//007_HREfficiency_100//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:56:25.457] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//007_HREfficiency_100//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//007_HREfficiency_100//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:56:25.457] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//007_HREfficiency_100//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:56:25.457] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//007_HREfficiency_100//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//007_HREfficiency_100//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:56:25.526] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:56:25.526] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:56:25.527] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:56:25.527] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:56:25.527] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:56:25.527] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:56:25.527] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:56:25.527] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:56:25.540] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:56:25.543] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:56:25.546] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:56:27.079] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:56:27.079] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:56:27.079] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:56:27.079] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:56:27.079] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.080] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:27.481] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:56:27.481] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:56:27.481] <TB0> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[16:56:27.481] <TB0> INFO: running: highrate
[16:56:27.481] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//007_HREfficiency_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//007_HREfficiency_100//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:56:27.634] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:56:27.634] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[16:56:27.634] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:56:28.252] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[16:56:43.319] <TB0> INFO: 208000 events read in total (14538ms).
[16:56:43.334] <TB0> INFO: Test took 15692ms.
[16:56:44.048] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:56:44.498] <TB0> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[16:56:44.498] <TB0> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 660 830 589 1656 1464 1604 1286 1796 1440 1318 1596 1368 1170 757 607 740
[16:56:44.498] <TB0> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 255327 273663 238440 382691 380696 432200 398137 408734 401552 391458 426755 386570 363972 250980 268308 264595
[16:56:44.498] <TB0> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[16:56:44.498] <TB0> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 207251 207056 207234 205612 205924 205723 206293 205513 206068 206235 205769 206128 206493 206991 207335 207148
[16:56:44.498] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 99.7 99.6 99.7 99.0 99.1 99.0 99.3 98.9 99.2 99.2 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.6 99.7 99.6
[16:56:44.498] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 99.6 99.5 99.6 98.9 99.0 98.9 99.2 98.8 99.1 99.2 98.9 99.1 99.3 99.5 99.7 99.6
[16:56:44.498] <TB0> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 74.8 80.2 69.9 112.2 111.6 126.7 116.7 119.8 117.7 114.7 125.1 113.3 106.7 73.6 78.6 77.6
[16:56:44.498] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[16:56:44.543] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:56:44.580] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:56:44.580] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:56:44.757] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:56:44.761] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:56:53.256] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:56:53.256] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:56:53.256] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//008_HREfficiency_150//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//008_HREfficiency_150//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:56:53.256] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//008_HREfficiency_150//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//008_HREfficiency_150//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:56:53.256] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//008_HREfficiency_150//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:56:53.256] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//008_HREfficiency_150//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//008_HREfficiency_150//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:56:53.327] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:56:53.327] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:56:53.327] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:56:53.327] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:56:53.327] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:56:53.327] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:56:53.327] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:56:53.327] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:56:53.341] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:56:53.344] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:56:53.347] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:56:54.884] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:56:54.884] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:56:54.884] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:54.885] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:56:55.286] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:56:55.286] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:56:55.286] <TB0> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[16:56:55.286] <TB0> INFO: running: highrate
[16:56:55.286] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//008_HREfficiency_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//008_HREfficiency_150//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:56:55.438] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:56:55.438] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[16:56:55.438] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:56:56.057] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[16:57:16.749] <TB0> INFO: 208000 events read in total (20163ms).
[16:57:16.771] <TB0> INFO: Test took 21325ms.
[16:57:17.874] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:57:18.445] <TB0> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[16:57:18.445] <TB0> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 4159 4160 4159 4160 4160 4159 4157 4159 4158 4159 4158 4155 4160 4159 4159 4159
[16:57:18.445] <TB0> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 406466 436450 379929 607489 603060 684188 628757 647948 636186 618433 677406 611655 576407 399347 427124 421022
[16:57:18.445] <TB0> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[16:57:18.446] <TB0> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 201629 200819 201186 195326 196601 195389 197378 194673 196909 197756 195522 197349 198677 200607 201969 200922
[16:57:18.446] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 97.1 96.6 97.0 94.4 95.0 94.4 95.3 93.9 95.0 95.4 94.5 95.3 95.8 96.7 97.2 96.8
[16:57:18.446] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 96.9 96.5 96.7 93.9 94.5 93.9 94.9 93.6 94.7 95.1 94.0 94.9 95.5 96.4 97.1 96.6
[16:57:18.446] <TB0> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 119.1 127.9 111.4 178.1 176.8 200.5 184.3 189.9 186.5 181.3 198.6 179.3 168.9 117.1 125.2 123.4
[16:57:18.446] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[16:57:18.490] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:57:18.528] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:57:18.528] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:57:18.708] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:57:18.713] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:57:27.815] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:57:27.815] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:57:27.815] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//009_HREfficiency_200//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//009_HREfficiency_200//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:57:27.815] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//009_HREfficiency_200//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//009_HREfficiency_200//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:57:27.816] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//009_HREfficiency_200//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:57:27.816] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//009_HREfficiency_200//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//009_HREfficiency_200//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:57:27.887] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:57:27.887] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:57:27.887] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:57:27.887] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:57:27.887] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:57:27.887] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:57:27.887] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:57:27.887] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:57:27.900] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:57:27.903] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:57:27.906] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.440] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:57:29.841] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:57:29.841] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:57:29.841] <TB0> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[16:57:29.841] <TB0> INFO: running: highrate
[16:57:29.841] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//009_HREfficiency_200//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//009_HREfficiency_200//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:57:29.993] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:57:29.993] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[16:57:29.993] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:57:30.610] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[16:57:58.018] <TB0> INFO: 208000 events read in total (26878ms).
[16:57:58.047] <TB0> INFO: Test took 28047ms.
[16:57:59.506] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:58:00.193] <TB0> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[16:58:00.193] <TB0> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 4159 4159 4159 4160 4160 4159 4160 4160 4160 4160 4159 4160 4160 4160 4160 4160
[16:58:00.193] <TB0> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 550055 590984 516069 823892 817039 930576 853681 873849 862324 838440 919428 829622 783241 539125 578716 570759
[16:58:00.193] <TB0> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[16:58:00.193] <TB0> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 198371 196619 197546 183503 186455 183127 187456 181340 186147 188362 183340 187994 190806 196392 199073 196947
[16:58:00.193] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 95.6 94.7 95.5 89.1 90.6 89.0 91.0 87.9 90.2 91.4 89.2 91.2 92.4 95.0 95.9 95.0
[16:58:00.193] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 95.4 94.5 95.0 88.2 89.6 88.0 90.1 87.2 89.5 90.6 88.1 90.4 91.7 94.4 95.7 94.7
[16:58:00.193] <TB0> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 161.2 173.2 151.3 241.5 239.5 272.8 250.2 256.1 252.8 245.8 269.5 243.2 229.6 158.0 169.6 167.3
[16:58:00.193] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[16:58:00.239] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:58:00.278] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:58:00.278] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:58:00.420] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:58:00.421] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
[16:58:09.218] <TB0> INFO: *** Welcome to pxar ***
[16:58:09.219] <TB0> INFO: *** Today: 2015/09/15
[16:58:09.219] <TB0> INFO: readRocDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//010_HREfficiency_250//dacParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//010_HREfficiency_250//dacParameters35_C15.dat
[16:58:09.219] <TB0> INFO: readTbmDacs: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//010_HREfficiency_250//tbmParameters_C0a.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//010_HREfficiency_250//tbmParameters_C0b.dat
[16:58:09.219] <TB0> INFO: readMaskFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//010_HREfficiency_250//defaultMaskFile.dat
[16:58:09.219] <TB0> INFO: readTrimFile: /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//010_HREfficiency_250//trimParameters35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//010_HREfficiency_250//trimParameters35_C15.dat
[16:58:09.291] <TB0> INFO: clk: 4
[16:58:09.291] <TB0> INFO: ctr: 4
[16:58:09.291] <TB0> INFO: sda: 19
[16:58:09.291] <TB0> INFO: tin: 9
[16:58:09.291] <TB0> INFO: level: 15
[16:58:09.291] <TB0> INFO: triggerdelay: 0
[16:58:09.291] <TB0> QUIET: Instanciating API for pxar prod-10+13~ga4a2ede
[16:58:09.291] <TB0> INFO: Log level: INFO
[16:58:09.304] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board DTB_WWXU2B opened.
[16:58:09.307] <TB0> INFO: DTB startup information
--- DTB info------------------------------------------
Board id: 148
HW version: DTB1.2
FW version: 4.2
SW version: 4.4
MAC address: 40D855118094
Hostname: pixelDTB148
[16:58:09.310] <TB0> INFO: RPC call hashes of host and DTB match: 397073690
[16:58:10.843] <TB0> INFO: DUT info:
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: The DUT currently contains the following objects:
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: 2 TBM Cores tbm08c (2 ON)
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core alpha (0): 7 registers set
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: TBM Core beta (1): 7 registers set
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: 16 ROCs psi46digv21respin (16 ON) with 4160 pixelConfigs
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 0: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 1: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 2: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 3: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 4: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 5: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 6: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 7: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 8: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 9: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 10: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 11: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 12: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 13: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 14: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:10.844] <TB0> INFO: ROC 15: 19 DACs set, Pixels: 0 masked, 0 active.
[16:58:11.245] <TB0> INFO: enter 'restricted' command line mode
[16:58:11.245] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:58:11.245] <TB0> INFO: test: HighRate no parameter change
[16:58:11.245] <TB0> INFO: running: highrate
[16:58:11.245] <TB0> INFO: readGainPedestalParameters /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//010_HREfficiency_250//phCalibrationFitErr35_C0.dat .. /space/home/localuser/data/elComandanteResults/M4078_XrayQualification_2015-09-15_16h10m_1442326200//010_HREfficiency_250//phCalibrationFitErr35_C15.dat
[16:58:11.399] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:58:11.399] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::xPixelAlive() ntrig = 50, vcal = 200
[16:58:11.399] <TB0> INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[16:58:12.016] <TB0> INFO: Expecting 208000 events.
[16:58:47.059] <TB0> INFO: 208000 events read in total (34513ms).
[16:58:47.092] <TB0> INFO: Test took 35686ms.
[16:58:48.869] <TB0> INFO: Fetched DAQ statistics. Counters are being reset now.
[16:58:49.681] <TB0> INFO: number of dead pixels (per ROC): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[16:58:49.681] <TB0> INFO: number of red-efficiency pixels: 4159 4160 4159 4160 4160 4160 4160 4160 4160 4160 4160 4160 4160 4159 4160 4160
[16:58:49.681] <TB0> INFO: number of X-ray hits detected: 687839 737634 641867 1026827 1019892 1161789 1067812 1091911 1078152 1050517 1150402 1037674 978028 675120 721501 713067
[16:58:49.681] <TB0> INFO: number of triggers sent (total per ROC): 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000 208000
[16:58:49.681] <TB0> INFO: number of Vcal hits detected: 191536 188005 190331 163940 170329 163331 171562 159871 169069 172836 163976 172700 177285 188666 192719 188808
[16:58:49.681] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit fiducial efficiency (%): 92.6 90.8 92.4 80.2 83.2 79.9 83.8 77.9 82.4 84.3 80.2 84.3 86.3 91.6 93.1 91.5
[16:58:49.681] <TB0> INFO: Vcal hit overall efficiency (%): 92.1 90.4 91.5 78.8 81.9 78.5 82.5 76.9 81.3 83.1 78.8 83.0 85.2 90.7 92.7 90.8
[16:58:49.681] <TB0> INFO: X-ray hit rate [MHz/cm2]: 201.6 216.2 188.1 301.0 298.9 340.5 313.0 320.0 316.0 307.9 337.2 304.1 286.7 197.9 211.5 209.0
[16:58:49.681] <TB0> INFO: PixTestHighRate::doXPixelAlive() done
[16:58:49.727] <TB0> INFO: PixTest:: pg_setup set to default.
[16:58:49.766] <TB0> INFO: enter test to run
[16:58:49.766] <TB0> INFO: test: no parameter change
[16:58:49.922] <TB0> QUIET: Connection to board 148 closed.
[16:58:49.923] <TB0> INFO: pXar: this is the end, my friend
MoReWeb-v0.6.7-111-gcc5e703 on branch 20151208_Readback